- docker
- docker-compose
- clone the repo .
git clone git@github.com:nextmoov/nextmoov-smop-autocomplete-transit.git
- and move into the created folder
cd nextmoov-smop-autocomplete-transit
- provide source data (see Modules)
- run via docker-compose
docker-compose up
You need to provide the static GTFS zip files in the data
directory alongside the docker-compose.yml file.
The provided static GTFS files needs to be named xxx-gtfs.zip (where xxx is only composed of lower case letters - what you put in place of xxx doesn't matter as long as it follow the template. The otp-builder will look through the folder for file named according to said template – see General > data-sources for more information).
The importer will index all GTFS stops data in ElasticSearch.
After startup the API endpoint will be at http://localhost:8080/autocomplete/station
You can send POST request with the following JSON data :
"text": "bruxelles central"
or with ordering by distance from a specific point :
"text": "bruxelles central",
"position": [50.84549, 4.35769],
"distanceWeighting": 500
Example of reply :
"_index": "station",
"_type": "location",
"_id": "Bruxelles-Central",
"_score": 39.64377,
"_source": {
"agencyId": "sncb",
"text": "Bruxelles Central Brussel Centraal Brus Brux Centr",
"gtfs_name": "Bruxelles-Central",
"multiLang": {
"fr": "Bruxelles-Central",
"nl": "Brussel-Centraal",
"de": "Brus.-/ Brux-Centr.",
"en": "Brux.-/ Brus-Centr."
"id": [
"geo": [
"lat": 50.84565,
"lon": 4.356804
"lat": 50.84565,
"lon": 4.356804
"lat": 50.84565,
"lon": 4.356804
"lat": 50.84565,
"lon": 4.356804
"lat": 50.84565,
"lon": 4.356804
"lat": 50.84565,
"lon": 4.356804
"lat": 50.84565,
"lon": 4.356804
"lat": 50.84565,
"lon": 4.356804
"distance": 65,
"distanceScore": 3089.16453923077
"_index": "station",
"_type": "location",
"_id": "Erembodegem Central",
"_score": 23.933292,
"_source": {
"agencyId": "delijn",
"text": "Erembodegem Central",
"gtfs_name": "Erembodegem Central",
"multiLang": {
"fr": "Erembodegem Central",
"nl": "Erembodegem Central",
"de": "Erembodegem Central",
"en": "Erembodegem Central"
"id": [
"geo": [
"lat": 50.91744852353837,
"lon": 4.073131803337038
"lat": 50.91713472026641,
"lon": 4.073460852518727
"lat": 50.91714363818988,
"lon": 4.073432355029021
"lat": 50.91744852353837,
"lon": 4.073131803337038
"distance": 21567,
"distanceScore": 33.124132172485744
"_index": "station",
"_type": "location",
"_id": "JODOIGNE Pharmacie Centrale",
"_score": 23.149698,
"_source": {
"agencyId": "tec",
"text": "JODOIGNE Pharmacie Centrale",
"gtfs_name": "JODOIGNE Pharmacie Centrale",
"multiLang": {
"fr": "JODOIGNE Pharmacie Centrale",
"nl": "JODOIGNE Pharmacie Centrale",
"de": "JODOIGNE Pharmacie Centrale",
"en": "JODOIGNE Pharmacie Centrale"
"id": [
"geo": [
"lat": 50.711513,
"lon": 4.859018
"lat": 50.711016,
"lon": 4.858681
"distance": 38372,
"distanceScore": 28.31541388658397
"_index": "station",
"_type": "location",
"_id": "QUAREGNON Central",
"_score": 23.933292,
"_source": {
"agencyId": "tec",
"text": "QUAREGNON Central",
"gtfs_name": "QUAREGNON Central",
"multiLang": {
"fr": "QUAREGNON Central",
"nl": "QUAREGNON Central",
"de": "QUAREGNON Central",
"en": "QUAREGNON Central"
"id": [
"geo": [
"lat": 50.445295,
"lon": 3.868319
"lat": 50.445531,
"lon": 3.869998
"distance": 56391,
"distanceScore": 27.44837153396819
"_index": "station",
"_type": "location",
"_id": "Ruien Centrale",
"_score": 23.933292,
"_source": {
"agencyId": "delijn",
"text": "Ruien Centrale",
"gtfs_name": "Ruien Centrale",
"multiLang": {
"fr": "Ruien Centrale",
"nl": "Ruien Centrale",
"de": "Ruien Centrale",
"en": "Ruien Centrale"
"id": [
"geo": [
"lat": 50.78129218038037,
"lon": 3.49457259590307
"lat": 50.7813631409303,
"lon": 3.49444365364423
"distance": 61249,
"distanceScore": 27.169570959656486
"_index": "station",
"_type": "location",
"_id": "PROFONDVAL Centrale",
"_score": 23.933292,
"_source": {
"agencyId": "tec",
"text": "PROFONDVAL Centrale",
"gtfs_name": "PROFONDVAL Centrale",
"multiLang": {
"fr": "PROFONDVAL Centrale",
"nl": "PROFONDVAL Centrale",
"de": "PROFONDVAL Centrale",
"en": "PROFONDVAL Centrale"
"id": [
"geo": [
"lat": 50.61547,
"lon": 5.464675
"lat": 50.61551,
"lon": 5.464291
"distance": 82238,
"distanceScore": 26.343599278873516
"_index": "station",
"_type": "location",
"_id": "Hendrieken Centrale Begraafplaats",
"_score": 23.149698,
"_source": {
"agencyId": "delijn",
"text": "Hendrieken Centrale Begraafplaats",
"gtfs_name": "Hendrieken Centrale Begraafplaats",
"multiLang": {
"fr": "Hendrieken Centrale Begraafplaats",
"nl": "Hendrieken Centrale Begraafplaats",
"de": "Hendrieken Centrale Begraafplaats",
"en": "Hendrieken Centrale Begraafplaats"
"id": [
"geo": [
"lat": 50.80205724131366,
"lon": 5.3324243302184335
"distance": 68852,
"distanceScore": 26.028610014175335
"_index": "station",
"_type": "location",
"_id": "Helkijn Cafe Central",
"_score": 23.149698,
"_source": {
"agencyId": "delijn",
"text": "Helkijn Cafe Central",
"gtfs_name": "Helkijn Cafe Central",
"multiLang": {
"fr": "Helkijn Cafe Central",
"nl": "Helkijn Cafe Central",
"de": "Helkijn Cafe Central",
"en": "Helkijn Cafe Central"
"id": [
"geo": [
"lat": 50.744875481963284,
"lon": 3.3775679509253647
"lat": 50.7448047694249,
"lon": 3.377711136568827
"distance": 70005,
"distanceScore": 25.98119360745661
"_index": "station",
"_type": "location",
"_id": "Bredene Centrale",
"_score": 23.933292,
"_source": {
"agencyId": "delijn",
"text": "Bredene Centrale",
"gtfs_name": "Bredene Centrale",
"multiLang": {
"fr": "Bredene Centrale",
"nl": "Bredene Centrale",
"de": "Bredene Centrale",
"en": "Bredene Centrale"
"id": [
"geo": [
"lat": 51.22170800551021,
"lon": 2.953192989023209
"lat": 51.22213952217895,
"lon": 2.9516910018414544
"distance": 107041,
"distanceScore": 25.785095047430424
"_index": "station",
"_type": "location",
"_id": "Verviers-Central",
"_score": 23.149698,
"_source": {
"agencyId": "sncb",
"text": "Verviers Central Centraal",
"gtfs_name": "Verviers-Central",
"multiLang": {
"fr": "Verviers-Central",
"nl": "Verviers-Centraal",
"de": "Verviers-Centraal / Verviers-Central",
"en": "Verviers-Central / Verviers-Centraal"
"id": [
"geo": [
"lat": 50.58814,
"lon": 5.854913
"lat": 50.58814,
"lon": 5.854913
"lat": 50.58814,
"lon": 5.854913
"lat": 50.58814,
"lon": 5.854913
"lat": 50.58814,
"lon": 5.854913
"lat": 50.58814,
"lon": 5.854913
"lat": 50.58814,
"lon": 5.854913
"distance": 109545,
"distanceScore": 24.959172188689582