
Extension instead of bootstrap copy-pasting?

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Would you be interested in extension that would replace current bootstrap installation?

Something like this

It would result in simple one line registraion in config.neon:

    - Nextrast\Forms\DI\Extension

If so, I would send PR.

Note: I think that also Register your Bootstrap 3 macros section could be managed by extension.

example doesnt work :| maybe yes :)

I've managed to refactor since then, link fixed.
Ok. I'll prepare PR.

Hm, I'm not sure. I don't like the Container::extensionMethod approach. Personally, I rather implement this methods manually in my baseForm.

What advanages do you see in forcing baseForm for using this package?
I prefer to use package without copy-pasting any code, if possible. Convention over configuration.

IDE suggesting.

Could that be optional?

@TomasVotruba oh yes. please make a pull request. class name should be Nextras\Forms\DI\FormsExtension.