
read characteristic value is not working but write & notify works?

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i am having a weird issue with my HMSoft Ble Device, i can see data on receiving end by using gattServer.WriteCharacteristicValue(service_guid.Value, char_guid.Value);

but the gattServer.ReadCharacteristicValue(service_guid.Value, char_guid.Value); gives me a static value, while notifier on same GUID are giving new values.

var notifier = gattServer.NotifyCharacteristicValue(
bytes => {
readValue = bytes.AsUtf8String();
//var txtLogs = FindViewById(Resource.Id.txtLogs);
txtLogs.Text += $"current notifier result: {readValue} {System.Environment.NewLine}";

iOS or Android?

Closing because I'm unable to replicate. Feel free to re-open with repro steps!