
Error reading tag 15693 in iOS

portu86 opened this issue · 1 comments

I am working with a 15693 tag and I am trying to read some blocks. In Android works perfectly but when I try to launch it on iOS I always receive the response [255,255].
I received the same response when I tried to send present password.

Here is the code:

` NFCTag tag = await FlutterNfcKit.poll(timeout: Duration(seconds: 15), readIso14443A: false, readIso14443B: false);
_tag = tag;
if(tag.type == NFCTagType.iso15693){

UintList ComandoR = UintList(20);
ComandoR[0] = 0x22; //Flag
ComandoR[1] = 0xB3; //Present password
ComandoR[2] = 0x02; //IC Mfg code

ComandoR[3] = 0x55;
ComandoR[10] = 0xE0;

ComandoR[11] = 0x01; //Password 1

ComandoR[12] = 0x12;
ComandoR[19] = 0x56;

UintList result8 = await FlutterNfcKit.transceive(ComandoR);
String result1 = result8.toString();
resFinal = result1;
	_result = '1: $result1\n';


The response is [255, 255] always. It doesn't matter if I sent the password or I try to read blocks.

what am I doing wrong? Is it possible to work in iOS like in Android (transcieve raw commands)?

Thank you in advance!

Maybe #150 will help.