
[BUG] Adding assay performer fails and argument -s is irritating

andreaschrader opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

When registering an assay performer, the argument -a is not recognized.

arc a person register -s MY_STUDY -a MY_ASSAY -l LASTNAME -f FIRSTNAME


arc a person register-a MY_ASSAY -l LASTNAME -f FIRSTNAME

do not work:

ERROR: ERROR: unrecognized argument: '-a'.

When reading the help, it says --assayidentifier or -s. This is irritating. However I executed this as well.

arc a person register -s MY_ASSAY -l LASTNAME -f FIRSTNAME

Start processing command with the arguments:
Address:Field ""
Affiliation:Field ""
AssayIdentifier:Field "MY_ASSAY"
Email:Field ""
Fax:Field ""
FirstName:Field "FIRSTNAME"
LastName:Field "LASTNAME"
MidInitials:Field ""
ORCID:Field ""
Phone:Field ""
Roles:Field ""
RolesTermAccessionNumber:Field ""
RolesTermSourceREF:Field ""

Start Person Register
Done processing command.
ERROR: System.Exception: Metadata sheetname Investigation could not be found System.Exception: Metadata sheetname Investigation could not be found
at Microsoft.FSharp.Core.PrintfModule.PrintFormatToStringThenFail@1448.Invoke(String message)
at ArcCommander.APIs.AssayAPI.Contacts.register(ArcConfiguration arcConfiguration, FSharpMap2 personArgs) at ArcCommander.Program.handleAssayContactsSubCommands@128-2.Invoke(ArcConfiguration arcConfiguration, FSharpMap2 personArgs)
at ArcCommander.Program.processCommand[a,T](ArcConfiguration arcConfiguration, FSharpFunc2 commandF, ParseResults1 r)
at ArcCommander.Program.handleAssayContactsSubCommands(ArcConfiguration arcConfiguration, AssayPersonCommand contactsVerb)
at ArcCommander.Program.handleAssaySubCommands(ArcConfiguration arcConfiguration, AssayCommand assayVerb)
at ArcCommander.Program.handleCommand(ArcConfiguration arcConfiguration, ArcCommand command)
at ArcCommander.Program.main(String[] argv)

Moreover, the assay performer fields in the isa.assay.xlsx file remain empty and nothing is added to the isa.investigation.xlsx file.

Expected behavior
arc a person register -a MY_ASSAY -l LASTNAME -f FIRSTNAME

--assayidentifier or -a to pass the assay identifier

and with the information being added to the isa.assay.xlsx file as well as to the isa.investigation.xlsx file.

OS and framework information (please complete the following information):

  • OS: macOS
  • OS Version: Ventura 13.5.1
  • ARC Commander Version: v0.5.0
HLWeil commented

Ah okay I see, the short-hand flag is of course flat out wrong and needs to be updated.

We're currently working on integrating the new back-end into the ArcCommander (It is also the back-end for the ARCitect). This should also fix many of the issues the ArcCommander has, as the ARCtrl is already well tested.
Just as a heads-up.