
[BUG] `assay add` assignment of measurement type term source ref and accession number is mixed up

Opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Describe the bug

When executing following command, --measurementtypetermsourceref sets the measurement type term accesion number and vice versa.

arc assay add --studyidentifier yourStudyName --assayidentifier my-new-assay --measurementtypetermsourceref mytypetermsourceref --measurementtypetermaccessionnumber mytypetermaccssionnumber

OS and framework information (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Linux Ubuntu

Additional context

arc --version
Start processing parameterless command. 

Start Arc Version 
Done processing command. 

same with technology type term accession number and technology type term source ref.

Which version of the ARCCommander are you using? You can check that out using arc --version

You see this in the bug description: v0.5.0

Whoops, sry about that ๐Ÿ˜…
This is fixed between v0.5.0 and v.1.0.0, of which only a prerelease is online at the moment.

Oh and also thanks @andreaschrader for the link. I closed that issue but forgot to mention the change. I'll keep this issue up until the full 1.0.0 release.

@HLWeil thank you for the clarification.