
ArcCommander Argument design

Closed this issue · 5 comments

This issue is meant as a place for discussing possible argument design choices

Argument Query (Asking for fields via text editor prompt)

  • Add basic query functionality
  • Allow user to set preferred text editor (#8)
  • For Unix systems, infer editor via EDITOR (or less often, VISUAL) environment variable


arc init - create an arc directory structure below the current directory (as git init)
arc push - push all changes to the specified "upstream" (t.b.d.)
arc pull - ...
arc check - validate that the current directory is an arc, and output helpful messages towards compliance

arc register - (re-)register all assays and workflows

arc help

arc run - run all workflows


arc investigation or arc i subcmd
arc i edit - open editor to edit ISA in YAML (yay!)


arc assay [c|create] - create a directory assays/, prepopulate it with defaults

arc assay [rregister]

| --update

arc assay [a|add] - create plus register

arc assay [a|move] ...

arc assay [rm|remove]

arc assay edit -- edit assay metadata in Excel or

Some arguments are required and some are not. If required arguments are left out by the user a prompt should be opened where the user can input the missing arguments. Ideally required arguments should be marked (e.g. by an attribute).
Also it would be good

  • if the texteditor could be opened on a stream instead of a file (check if possible)
  • if the texteditor of choice could be set in a config file

via #13 and #14 we now have the following structure of the arc cli.

arc <top-level-command> <top-level-command-args>


arc init


arc <object> <subcommand-verb> <subcommand-verb-args>

where <object> is one of the following:

  • assay
  • study
  • investigation

and <subcommand-verb> models what to do with the object, e.g

arc study init

will initialize a new empty study in the ARC.

Subcommand verbs

while not all object subcommands support all verbs, here is a list of the verbs and what to expect when they are applicable for an <object>:

  • arc <object> init : will initialize a new empty <object> in the ARC.
  • arc <object> create will create a new <object> with the passed arguments in the ARC.
  • arc <object> update will update an existing <object> with the passed arguments.
  • arc <object> edit will open an existing <object> with a text editor. Arguments passed for this verb will be pre-set in the editor.
  • arc <object> register will register an existing <object> in the ARC with the passed arguments.
  • arc <object> add is the combination of create/init+update and register, meaning it will create a new <object> in the ARC and subsequently register it with the passed arguments
  • arc <object> remove will remove the <object> from the ARC's register.
  • arc <object> move will move the <object> from source to target register.
  • arc <object> list will print all <object>s registered in the ARC.
  • arc <object> Delete will delete the <object>.

Will close this for now, as the argument structure seems to have stabilized