
[BUG] Committing many files does not work

Closed this issue · 3 comments

OS and framework information (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. Windows 11]
  • ARCitect v. 0.0.35 & 0.0.31

Describe the bug

  • A clear and concise description of what the bug is
    I want to commit 500 files added to my ARC. In the ARCitect, added and changed files are listed [see screenshot 1]. Upon pressing "Commit", the dialogue opens and all steps seem to run successfully [see screenshot 2], however afterwards files are still listed as not committed [see screenshot 3], and sync is not possible due to uncommitted changes [see screenshot 4]. When opening the ARC using Github desktop, I see that the files are indeed not committed. They can be commited using Github desktop or console and then also be synced using the ARCitect.

  • Screenshots

I just replicated my previous issue and unfortunately closing all other programs which could interact with ARCs files (VSCode etc.) did not fix this.

I noticed that the first attempted commit using the ARCitect got added to the history and 2 of ~1000+ files got commited. The remaining files cannot be commited using the ARCitect and remain to be listed as uncommited. Again they could be commited using git directly.

seems to be fixed with release 0.0.36