
[Bug]: Template creation with Output Data can not be saved/exported

Closed this issue · 5 comments

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What happened?

When you create a new Template with Swate standalone and you use Data as Output, the template cannot be saved/exported.
You get an error: Not a Data cell
Screenshot 2024-07-03 134728

What did you expect?

Template should be exported as .xlsx



Host Details

Windows 11

Swate version

is not shown anymore? I assume v.1.00 beta 04

I will look into this, the current issue #438 might solve this!

@HLWeil i though data output could handle freetext (what should be currently) and data cells?

I'm not sure if this relates or if I should open a new issue, but today when I tried to annotate my own data (not using a template), when I added the Output [Data] column and then tried to save my ARC (without filling the cells in that column) I could not save the ARC anymore. I get stuck with the loader overlay. If you think this is a different issue I'll open a new one.

Yes we are aware of this issue, i am working on it right now! :) Will be fixed soon!

Fixed, this will be live with the next release