
Default path for storing global ARC config

Opened this issue · 3 comments

ArcCommander currently uses $appdata$/DataPLANT

See source code:

    let tryGetGlobalConfigPath () =
        let log = Logging.createLogger "IniDataTryGetGlobalConfigPathLog"
        // most of this part only remains for legacy reasons. Config file should not be downloaded and placed by the user (as before) but installed by the ArcCommander itself.
        let getFolderPath specialFolder inOwnFolder inCompanyFolder newName = 
            Environment.GetFolderPath(specialFolder, Environment.SpecialFolderOption.DoNotVerify)
            |> fun x -> 
                if inOwnFolder then 
                    Path.Combine(x, "ArcCommander", "config") 
                elif inCompanyFolder && (not newName) then
                    Path.Combine(x, "DataPLANT", "ArcCommander", "config")
                elif inCompanyFolder && newName then
                    Path.Combine(x, "DataPLANT", "ArcCommander", "ArcCommander.config")
                    Path.Combine(x, "config")

Is this still the case @HLWeil? changing this requires a huge amount of tests to be adapted so pls confirm so i can keep my sanity

No Idea what the context of this issue was, but we did not change this path since the issue was posted.