
some notes from using the tool

Brilator opened this issue · 7 comments

  • "genetic" twice in

    We foresee that the following data about $_STUDYOBJECT will be collected and generated at the very least: $_PHENOTYPIC, $_GENETIC, $_GENOMIC, $_METABOLOMIC, $_RNASEQ, $_IMAGE, $_PROTEOMIC, $_TARGETED,

  • Sentence does not really make sense.

    For $_PROJECT, data collection, integration $_VISUALIZATION #if$_DATAPLANT through the DataPLANT ARC structure is absolutely necessary #endif$_DATAPLANT #if!$_DATAPLANT through a standardized data management process is absolutely necessary #endif!$_DATAPLANT as data is not only used to understand principles, but it is also

  • Not sure what "usually just a modern browser" refers to

    #if!$_PROPRIETARY No specialized software will be needed to access the data, usually just a modern browser. Access will be possible via web interfaces. For data processing after obtaining raw data, typical

  • "RDM tools" instead of "DMP tools"?

    <span class="c1"> $_PROJECT will use common DMP tools#if$_DATAPLANT and in particular resources developed by the NFDI of Germany#endif$_DATAPLANT.</span>

  • which while not necessarily make the interaction with data more convenient

    #if$_DATAPLANT DataPLANT offers tools such as the open source SWATE plugin for Excel, the ARC commander and the DMP tool which while not necessarily make the interaction with data more convenient.

  • Sentence does not really make sense

    ENA/SRA. #endif$_RNASEQ #if$_METABOLOMIC Metabolite data in e.g. Metabolights (and/or Nationwide repositories like the German NFDI the French INRAe). #endif$_METABOLOMIC #if$_PROTEOMIC and Proteomics data in

1st: there is no duplicated genetics. There is one genetics and one genomics.

Others are rephrased.

a "modern browser" can be found here : search "modern browser" in google

1st: there is no duplicated genetics. There is one genetics and one genomics.

Just read one line further...

We foresee that the following data about $_STUDYOBJECT will be collected and generated at the very least: $_PHENOTYPIC, $_GENETIC, $_GENOMIC, $_METABOLOMIC, $_RNASEQ, $_IMAGE, $_PROTEOMIC, $_TARGETED,

$_MODELS, $_CODE, $_EXCEL, $_CLONED-DNA, $_GENETIC and result data. In addition, derived data from the original raw data sets will also be collected. This is important, as different analytical pipelines

a "modern browser" can be found here : search "modern browser" in google

Sorry, are you trying to mock me?! I know what a modern browser is.
I'm trying to help by reviewing your tool from perspective of a not data/code-affine person, who has never seen a DMP before and does not know your / DataPLANT's vision for what the platform and front-end could look like.

But I'm happy to spend my time testing other tools.
@BjoernUsadel @AngelaKranz

a "modern browser" can be found here : search "modern browser" in google

Sorry, are you trying to mock me?! I know what a modern browser is. I'm trying to help by reviewing your tool from perspective of a not data/code-affine person, who has never seen a DMP before and does not know your / DataPLANT's vision for what the platform and front-end could look like.

But I'm happy to spend my time testing other tools. @BjoernUsadel @AngelaKranz

I guess it is better to be less senstive to miscommunication?
If you say "Not sure what refers to", I don't know if you want me to explain it to you, or you think it is better to add more context or add more explaination on this word. For me, the "modern browser" is not a niche word and can be found on google. We target user who can use computers and browsers.

Closed bacuse no replies after more than two month

Did you address the issues above?!

Dear @Brilator
Thanks a lot for your quick @reply. The text was rephrased and checked again in the past weeks.
Your feedback is also considered in the rephrase. I did not see that the text errors persist.
More feedback is welcome; I would be more grateful if you could give an example of the rephrased text. It would be even better if you could write an explanation of the concept that others might not understand.

Best wishes,