
Image caption text not present when containing a reference

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I've only tried this with the LaTeX backend.

If you use a [Gosh-like] reference inside an image caption, that image caption has no text in the finale LaTeX-generated document (only e.g. "Abbildung 3:"). When using LaTeX-style citation that works as expected.

[image dummy.png 20% ] A dummy image with correct label
[image dummy.png 20% ] A dummy image with missing label due to [Citation]
[image dummy.png 20% ] A dummy image with correct label despite \cite{Citation}

Thanks for reporting!

I can reproduce the problem. Apparently the caption also works when you put it on a separate line, indented with two spaces.

[image dummy.png 20% ]
  A dummy image with missing label due to [Citation]

Can you give this a try?

Yes, when put on a separate line the caption looks good in my examples.