Maps and Geocoding (Autocomplete) components in Vanilla JS (or Svelte)
SSR Ready
No clientside dependencies (Map)
Allow creation of custom Svelte components on the map
Note that the GeoCoder has a clientside dependency, since it adds about 0.5mb to the bundle size, and significant time to the build time if bundled.
It is PARAMOUNT that you install this as a development dependency, not a runtime dependency. It won't work otherwise. Svelte bundles everything, so you should need any runtime dependencies at all
npm install --save-dev @beyonk/svelte-mapbox
The container component is the map, and there are a variety of components which go on the map.
accessToken="<your api key>" // add your api key here
bind:this={mapComponent} // Get reference to your map component to use methods
on:recentre={e => console.log(, } // recentre events
<Earthquakes /> // Any custom component you create or want here - see marker example
<Marker lat={someLat} lng={someLng} color="rgb(255,255,255)" label="some marker label" popupClassName="class-name" /> // built in Marker component
<NavigationControl />
<GeolocateControl options={{ some: 'control-option' }} />
<ScalingControl />
import { Map, Geocoder, Marker, controls } from '@beyonk/svelte-mapbox'
import Earthquakes from './Earthquakes.svelte' // custom component
const { GeolocateControl, NavigationControl, ScalingControl } = controls
// Usage of methods like setCenter and flyto
mapComponent.setCenter([lng,lat],zoom) // zoom is optional
mapComponent.flyTo({center:[lng,lat]}) // documentation (
The Geocoder is an autocompleting place lookup, which returns a lat and lng for a place.
<Geocoder accessToken="<your api key>" on:result={somePlaceChangeFunction} />
import { Geocoder } from '@beyonk/svelte-mapbox'
The geocoder has five events you can subscribe to: on:loading
, on:result
, on:results
, on:clear
, and on:error
which are documented here
The most important event is on:result
which is fired when a user selects an autocomplete result.
There is a sixth event specific to this library, which is on:ready
, which is fired when the component is ready for use. You can likely ignore it.
To see the earthquakes demo:
npm run dev