
handlecollision callback

Closed this issue · 6 comments

If there's a file collision it'd be nice to be able to handle that by, for example, appending a number. Right now it just dies and there's nothing I can really do about it.

You could use an interim build directory, so your dir structure would look something like this:

/src (all your js, icon, css/less/sass files go under here)
/build/source (first gulp step copies anything from /src required for the build to here)
/build/target (this is the target for any files compiled with gulp)
/static (or whatever the directory where files are served from by your web server)

Gulp can clear the /build directory before any build, which prevents collisions from existing files, and also allows it to make a wonderful mess well away from your source files.

I don't think that will solve the problem. The problem is where I have an icon set, where two SVGs have the same name, but are in different folders (ie, my/folder/icon.svg, my/folder2/icon.svg). I cannot control this, as I was using the distribution package for gameicons:

My solution was to just do this: but I still think gulp-iconfont should have some sort of collision resolution in it, because without that, it just barfs on a duplicate glyph error.

All that just to change the file name in case there's a collision? That seems like a lot of work.

Sounds a pain, I think solving the issue with the gulpfile is the best solution. I'm not sure gulp-iconfont should be resolving this edge case, as having two SVGs with the same name is far from sensible (not that it's your fault!).

Yeah, I definitely agree that it's unorthodox - I opened this issue before I resolved it in the hopes that I was overlooking something. Either way, I do have a working solution, so I don't really mind. Thanks guys!

For anyone who comes across here, my solution is as follows:

        .pipe(rename(path => {
          if(fileCounts[path.basename]) {
            fileCounts[path.basename] += 1;
            path.basename = `${path.basename}-${fileCounts[path.basename]}`;
          } else {
            fileCounts[path.basename] = 1;
          return path;

Essentially, use gulp-rename to rename files, and use a hash to track what files have been seen already.