
When using `gulp-iconfont` with `gulp-iconfont-css`, the `prependUnicode` config is not working.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

var iconfont = require('gulp-iconfont');
var iconfontCss = require('gulp-iconfont-css');

var fontName = 'iconfont';
var runTimestamp = Math.round( / 1000);

gulp.task('iconfont', function () {
          fontName: fontName,
          path: 'iconfont/input/iconfont-template.css',
          targetPath: fontName + '.css',
          fontPath: '../fonts/',
          cssClass: 'icon',
          timestamp: runTimestamp
          fontName: fontName,
          formats: ['ttf', 'eot', 'woff', 'woff2', 'svg'],
          prependUnicode: true,
          timestamp: runTimestamp

If I comment the first pipe off, the prependUnicode works fine.

Thanks for reporting. Would be nice to give us the actual error you got and his stack trace.

I suspect gulp-iconfont-css of changing file's pathes. If it is a suitable behavior, we should then allow to set a relative path option to gulp-iconfont.

In all case, won't be able to investigate this without more information, preferably with a simple project that reproduce this behavior. You can clone this repo, npm install to install gulp, gulp-iconfont and gulp-iconfont-css, then gulp iconfont. You will see the name of account-o.svg is unaltered after the command.

Am I using it wrong?

@lzl124631x looks like this is a real bug but on the gulp-iconfont-css side ;).

From my tests, i can see that the files path are already prefixed by gulp-iconfont-css before being passed to gulp-iconfont so it assumes your files are already prefixed and in consequence they aren't renamed.

You chould resubmit this issue in gulp-iconfont-css and link it to here.

I'm not sure I understand the issue, @lzl124631x. gulp-iconfont-css will already prepend the unicode to the filename, so what is the reason to let gulp-iconfont do the same thing again? I think you can just disable prependUnicode there. Or am I missing something?

Sorry just realized that I forgot to check in iconfont-template.css.

@backflip gulp-iconfont-css didn't prepend unicode to filename in my case. Do you mean that gulp-iconfont-css will prepend unicode to filename by default? The readme doesn't say anything about it, nor does gulp-iconfont-css provide an option for prependUnicode.

before gulp iconfont
before gulp iconfont

after gulp iconfont
after gulp iconfont

Let's move the discussion to backflip/gulp-iconfont-css#40