
startUnicode option

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to implement option.startUnicode, and always receiving the same starting count of: "\E001"

in the options i'm passing:
startUnicode: 0xEA01
and playing with the values but the generated font and SCSS always comes back "\E001" and counting...
Am I missing something?
How would be able to get a different starting count than the default?


Which version do you use ? This feature has been renamed if I remember well only a few versions ago.

Note that at least you can provide you own logic for codepoints incrementation:

Thanks for the reply, I'm using the latest version 8.0.1

Managed to solve it by adding firstGlyph like this:

firstGlyph: 0xEA01,
startUnicode: 0xEA01,