
md5 is different every time when generate fonts form the same svg icon.

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as show in picture, only svg's md5 would consistent each time.

I use gulp-rev to append hash

appendUnicode is true

@calledT Here's exactly what's happening: fontello/svg2ttf#33

The svg font is generated first, then the ttf which has an embedded timestamp, which causes the bytes to change ever so slightly each compile. The eot and woff files are derivatives of the ttf, so their bytes also change because of the timestamp.

I helped get a ts (timestamp) option in svg2ttf to address this. This lets you override the timestamp with a static one, so the file contents don't change. As soon as all the dependencies here are up to date and published, you can set the timestamp option to 0 to fix this.

If this is critical, I have a super convoluted workaround that works in the meantime... but hopefully this change goes live soon and you won't need it.

@nfroidure thanks for your work on this!

@greypants @nfroidure thx~, wait this plugin update to npm