#CHECK OUT THE NEW DEMO ng-harmony-demo
Kicking off your AngularJS Project in ES.Next Style
import { EventedController as Ctrl } from "ng-harmony";
import { Component, Controller, Loggging, Evented } from "ng-harmony-decorator";
We can use this lib in such a way [...]
module: "compucorp",
selector: "mediaitem",
restrict: "E",
replace: true,
controller: "MediaItemCtrl",
template: MediaItemTpl
module: "compucorp",
name: "MediaItemCtrl",
controllerAs: "MediaItem",
loggerName: "MediaItemLogger",
export class MediaItemCtrl extends Ctrl {
constructor(...args) {
this.$scope.albumcardVisible = false;
this.$scope.artistcardVisible = false;
this.$scope.$on("change", this.handleEvent.bind(this));
handleEvent (ev, { scope, triggerFn, triggerTokens }) {
level: "info",
msg: "handlingChildEvent"
if (scope._name.fn === "ArtistCardCtrl" && triggerTokens.type === "click") {
this.$scope.artistcardVisible = false;
} else if (scope._name.fn === "AlbumCardCtrl" && triggerTokens.type === "click") {
this.$scope.albumcardVisible = false;
selector: "section.bg-image-n--mediaitem",
type: "click",
delegate: null
openCard () {
this.$scope[`${this.$scope.model.type}cardVisible`] = true;
#CHECK OUT THE NEW DEMO ng-harmony-demo
Typescript or Angular > 1 Style Decorators for AngularJS
import "../assets/styles/main.scss";
import module from "./module";
import routes from "./routes";
import "./services/spotify";
import "./components/mediaitem";
import "./components/artistcard";
import "./components/albumcard";
import "./pages/landing";
import "./pages/search";
module.config(($locationProvider) => {
export default module.name;
import LandingPageTpl from "../ui/landing.html";
import SearchPageTpl from "../ui/search.html";
var routes = {
default: {
controller: "LandingPageCtrl",
template: LandingPageTpl
"/search": {
controller: "SearchPageCtrl",
template: SearchPageTpl,
resolve: {
observables: ["SpotifyService", (SpotifyService) => { return SpotifyService.initialized.promise; }]
export default routes;
import angular from "angular";
import router from "angular-route";
import animate from "angular-animate";
import loadingBar from "angular-loading-bar";
import mediaQueries from "angular-media-queries";
import { Module } from "ng-harmony-module";
var module = new Module("compucorp", ["ngRoute", "ngAnimate", "angular-loading-bar", "matchMedia"]);
export default module;