How to disable autofocus on Time selection inputfield in mtx-datetimepicker on mobile?
Closed this issue · 1 comments
joshua-classen commented
is there an option to disable autofocusing input field for the time if I am on a mobile device? I dont want to use touchUi because it does not get displayed correctly.
Here is my Datetimepicker code
<div class="col-sm-6 col-xl-4">
<input [mtxDatetimepicker]="datetimePickerStartZeitpunkt"
placeholder="Klicken Sie auf das Icon."
<mtx-datetimepicker-toggle [for]="datetimePickerStartZeitpunkt" matSuffix></mtx-datetimepicker-toggle>
<mtx-datetimepicker #datetimePickerStartZeitpunkt
And things from the .ts file:
type: MtxDatetimepickerType = 'datetime';
mode: MtxDatetimepickerMode = 'auto';
startView: MtxCalendarView = 'month';
multiYearSelector = false;
touchUi = false;
twelvehour = false;
timeInterval = 1;
timeInput = true;
customHeader!: any;
I could set timeInput to false to disable the digit input for the time, but I want to keep this feature. I just want to disable the autofocus on mobile, so that the mobile keyboard won't open. In the screenshot the cursors gets set automatically to hour input field and this is not what I want.
nzbin commented
Now the 18.4.0 added a new prop timeInputAutoFocus
, please have a try.