
Running Hydra against specs don't load gems required in config/environments/test.rb

joshuaclayton opened this issue · 5 comments

Even though factory_girl is configured within the test environment, individual specs don't seem to be loading what's required.

Here's the relevant files and output:

Hydra will run in the environment that you boot. Please try again with

RAILS_ENV=test rake hydra

and let me know if the issue still stands.

Ah cool! Any way to get hydra to respect ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test'?

well, test helper is not actually loaded until the test file itself is run, so I am not sure.

I always manually set the rails env myself because I don't trust rails to always get it right.

You could add ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test' to the inside of the rake task.

You could also use a rake task to set the environment. If you have:
namespace :env do
desc "Use Test environment"
task :test do
RAILS_ENV = 'test'

Then you can run:
rake env:test hydra
OR add env:test as a prereq:'hydra:test' => 'env:test') do |t|

Wow I didn't know you could do this:'hydra:test' => 'env:test') do |t|

that's awesome :-)