
Doesn't seem to be failing tests that should be failing

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I wanted to test that a simple test would show as failed when so I changed a .should_not to a .should (rspec) and it there was no indication of failure. I am running REE and Rails 3 if that helps. Let me know if I am doing something wrong or if you need more info (which I am sure you will).

I'm getting the same thing. Put in an example of assert false, but hydra showed no failures.

I'm seeing this as well. Running REE and Rails 3 too.

I'm seeing similar behavior. If I put a clear failure or error in any of my rspecs Hydra still claims all tests have passed. After some debugging I've found that Hydra::Runner#run_rspec_file is always returning an empty string (which is being interpreted as passing). I'm running rails 3.0.3, rspec-rails 2.3.1 and ruby 1.8.7.

This happens with Test::Unit tests if the the test case classes are namespaced. E.g., Reports::Company::EmailFileTest

Looking at the source, the tests are silently ignored, and I don't see a simple, good fix.