
Import optimization

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Dmitry has noted that the amount of imports required for even the smallest module example is overwhelming.

We can approach this from several directions:

  1. Expose a minimal sufficient set of symbols via ngx::core::prelude::* and ngx::http::prelude::*
  2. Use enums and bitflags as much as possible.
    E.g. wrapping NGX_CONF_... with bitflags would save a few imports and remove noisy as ngx_uint_t casts.
  3. Reduce boilerplate code. For example,
    pub static mut ngx_http_example_module: ngx_module_t = ngx_module_t {
      ctx: std::ptr::addr_of!(NGX_HTTP_EXAMPLE_MODULE_CTX) as _,
      // Safety: nginx does not modify module.commands.
      commands: NGX_HTTP_EXAMPLE_COMMANDS.as_ptr().cast_mut(),
      type_: NGX_HTTP_MODULE as _
      .. NGX_RS_MODULE_V1
    would remove a couple of imports that are never necessary in the code and reduce amount of copy-paste needed to get started.