
Create ESLint rule

Odonno opened this issue ยท 12 comments

Is it possible to create a ESlint rule for the untilDestroyed operator? Which means that we check that every Observable in a Component should contain a untilDestroyed(this) and at the last position in the pipe chain.

You're welcome to create a PR. It'll be nice to validate that the decorator exists.

You can use this as a reference.

@NetanelBasal I believe that the @UntilDestroy() decorator is already checked at compilation. We could do it but what I really want to is detect Observable in every component and detect those who doesn't have the operator.

I already seen the work of @cartant but I have a hard time trying to understand how this thing works.

You are right, I forgot that we have protection.

FWIW, the rule linked above can be configured to use an alias - in addition to takeUntil - so you ought to be able to configure it to do what you want (if I understand you correctly). See the docs for the rule.

Also, something to be aware of is that ESLint rules are composable - see eslint-rule-composer and this post of mine. So if what you want to do can be represented by feeding configuration into an existing rule - i.e. to reduce boilerplate from more general, verbose config - that's possible.

Thanks, @cartant.

@Odonno I think that you want the following:

  "rxjs/no-unsafe-takeuntil": [
      "alias": ["untilDestroyed"]

Is that right?

Well, kinda. The only missing part would be to also check Observable without pipe. @cartant Can you confirm you also check Observable without pipe?

@Odonno I think that the rule only works if you are using the operator. It doesn't check if you have it.

This rule is probably what you are looking for. The other just makes sure that the takeUntil - or alias - is in the right place. You probably want both, TBH. If prefer-takeUntil doesn't effect a failure if subscribe is called without pipe being used, that would be a bug.

Awesome rules. @Odonno you can use it. It'll be great if you can create a PR that adds this information to our README.

Closing the issue. Thanks.

@Odonno @NetanelBasal @cartant Are you successfully using this rule? I've attempted to install it in a project, but I'm unable to get the rule to fire as documented.

We've configured the plugin as such:

"rxjs-angular/prefer-takeuntil": [
    "error", {
โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹     "alias": ["untilDestroyed"],
     "checkComplete": true,
     "checkDecorators": ["Component"],
     "checkDestroy": true
}โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹ ]

And using code similar to this in our components:

  .subscribe(data => {	

But the plugin throws errors for `Forbids calling 'subscribe' without an accompanying 'takeUntil'.

Any idea what might be going on? I'm happy to open a new ticket (here or in the rxjs-angular repo) if you'd prefer.

Hi @mattdsteele I'm facing the same issue, despite following the readme step-by-step. Have you got any progress eventually?