
Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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        NTloader -- Windows NT6+ OS/VHD/WIM loader
                Copyright (C) 2021 A1ive.


Boot Windows NT6+ WIM/VHD/VHDX

title Boot Windows NT6+ PE
uuid (hdx,y)
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?_UUID% file=/path/to/winpe.wim
initrd /initrd.lz1
  • a1ive GRUB2
menuentry "Boot Windows NT6+ PE" {
    probe -s dev_uuid -u (hdx,y);
    if [ "${grub_platform}" = "efi" ];
        linuxefi /ntloader uuid=${dev_uuid} file=/path/to/winpe.wim;
        initrdefi /initrd.lz1;
        linux16 /ntloader uuid=${dev_uuid} file=/path/to/winpe.wim;
        initrd16 /initrd.lz1;
menuentry "Boot Windows NT6+ PE" {
    probe -s dev_uuid -u (hdx,y);
    if [ "${grub_platform}" = "efi" ];
        chainloader /ntloader initrd=/initrd.lz1 uuid=${dev_uuid} file=/path/to/winpe.wim;
        linux16 /ntloader uuid=${dev_uuid} file=/path/to/winpe.wim;
        initrd16 /initrd.lz1;

Boot Windows NT6+ OS

title Boot Windows NT6+
uuid (hdx,y)
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?_UUID%
initrd /initrd.lz1
  • a1ive GRUB2
menuentry "Boot Windows NT6+" {
    probe -s dev_uuid -u (hdx,y);
    if [ "${grub_platform}" = "efi" ];
        linuxefi /ntloader uuid=${dev_uuid};
        initrdefi /initrd.lz1;
        linux16 /ntloader uuid=${dev_uuid};
        initrd16 /initrd.lz1;
menuentry "Boot Windows NT6+" {
    probe -s dev_uuid -u (hdx,y);
    if [ "${grub_platform}" = "efi" ];
        chainloader /ntloader initrd=/initrd.lz1 uuid=${dev_uuid};
        linux16 /ntloader uuid=${dev_uuid};
        initrd16 /initrd.lz1;

Advanced options

  • Enable Test Signing mode
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% file=/xxx.vhd testmode=1
  • Use the highest graphical resolution
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% file=/xxx.wim hires=1
  • Disable hardware abstraction layer (HAL) and kernel detection.
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% detecthal=0
  • Load the Registry SYSTEM hive as a volatile hive (WinPE mode)
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% minint=1
  • Disable the use of VGA modes
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% novga=1
  • Disable VESA BIOS calls
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% novesa=1
  • Configure Physical Address Extension (PAE)
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% pae=Enable|Disable|Default
  • Configure Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% nx=OptIn|OptOut|AlwaysOff|AlwaysOn
  • Set Windows load options
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% file=/xxx.vhd loadopt=XXX
  • Specify the path of winload.exe or winload.efi
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% winload=/Windows/System32/winload.efi
  • Specify system root
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% file=/xxx.vhd sysroot=/Windows
  • Boot Windows 7 (UEFI)
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% win7
  • Hook UEFI SecureBoot variable (UEFI)
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% file=/xxx.vhd secureboot=off
  • Change the boot logo (UEFI) When booting on a UEFI-based computer, Windows may show a vendor-defined logo which is stored on the UEFI firmware in a section called Boot Graphics Resource Table (BGRT).
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% file=/xxx.vhd bgrt
  • Disable debug messages You can disable debug messages by using the 'quiet' command-line option. For example:
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% file=/xxx.vhd quiet
  • Disable graphical boot messages You can force the Windows boot manager to display error messages in text mode by using the 'text' command-line option. For example:
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% file=/xxx.vhd text
  • Disable paging (BIOS)
kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% file=/xxx.vhd linear
  • Troubleshoot You can add the 'pause' command-line option for ntloader.

    This will instruct ntloader to wait for a keypress

    before booting Windows, to give you a further opportunity

    to observe any messages that may be displayed.

    For example:

kernel /ntloader uuid=%?% file=/xxx.vhd pause


You will need to have at least the following packages installed in order to build NTloader:

  • gcc
  • binutils
  • make

You can use the following command to create initrd.cpio:

cd utils/rootfs
find * | cpio -o -H newc > ../initrd.cpio
cd ..

You can also use lznt1 to compress initrd to reduce its size:

python lznt1.py initrd.cpio initrd.lz1


NTloader is released under the GPLv3 License. See LICENSE.txt for details.