This repository contains dataset, experimental results and implementation source code of MIPI, a method to identify incorrect patches in automated program repair based on the meaning of source code.
The repository is organized as follows:
- Experiment: dataset and experimental results
- src: implementation source code and scripts
- mipi-code2vec: implementation code of MIPI based on Code2Vec model.
- scripts: scripts for extracting the modified code snippets of patches in the QuixBugs and Defects4J benchmark.
- Python3 - version 3.6 or newer. To check the version:
python3 --version
- TensorFlow - version 2.0.0 or newer
- Gensim
Cloning this repository and move to the MIPI's implementation folder
git clone
cd src/mipi-code2vec
The pre-trained Code2Vec model can be downloaded here.
You need to extract the downloaded model files into the folder <MIPI_CODE_DIR>/models. Where <MIPI_CODE_DIR> is the MIPI's implementation root dir (folder src/mipi-code2vec. After you unziped the model files, the structure of the <MIPI_CODE_DIR>/models will look like follows:
- ...
- models/
- java14_model/
- model files ...
You can run the sample program using the following command to test if the configuration is correct:
The output will look like:
C:\workplace\mipi-code2vec\venv36\Scripts\python.exe C:/workplace/mipi-code2vec/
2021-08-26 14:48:54.644632: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2
WARNING:tensorflow:From C:\workplace\mipi-code2vec\venv36\lib\site-packages\tensorflow_core\python\ops\ calling BaseResourceVariable.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.ops.resource_variable_ops) with constraint is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
If using Keras pass *_constraint arguments to layers.
<mipi.base_codemeaning_predictor.PatchEvaluationResult object at 0x000001FACD2F9CC0>
Json resuls:
{"PatchId": "kPAR_Lang41", "Predicted": "incorrect", "MinSimGain": -0.007740318775177002, "MaxPatDistance": 0.007740318775177002, "SnippetsResults": ["{\"SimGain\": -0.007740318775177002, \"PatDistance\": 0.007740318775177002, \"Predicted\": \"incorrect\"}"]}
<mipi.base_codemeaning_predictor.PatchEvaluationResult object at 0x000001FACD34EE80>
Json resuls:
{"PatchId": "kPAR_Lang41", "Predicted": "correct", "MinSimGain": 0.01696985960006714, "MaxPatDistance": 0.01862657070159912, "SnippetsResults": ["{\"SimGain\": 0.01696985960006714, \"PatDistance\": 0.01862657070159912, \"Predicted\": \"correct\"}"]}
Process finished with exit code 0
Running the following command to start the MIPI Websocket server:
After started, the MIPI Websocket server will wailting for the requests at the address ws://localhost:8765