
Do not have the token for home user?

derekoharrow opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to get plex-cleaner working. It works if I just use my/admin account and token just fine, but I have other users (all homeUsers that I can switch between).

When I try to use these - e.g. "Grey's Anatomy": { "homeUsers": "me,them"} I get the error:

[ERROR] Do not have the token for them. Please check spelling or token.

I saw somewhere on here how to specify multiple tokens, so set this up like below:

"Token": {
  "me*": "mytoken...",
  "them": "theirtoken..."

But this still doesn't seem to solve the problem - it then says:
Unauthorized to access url with token.
How should I obtain the token for the Home Users to go into the Token section?

If you are using homeUsers, don't use the Token dictionary. Make sure that the the username is spelled correctly and try using all lowercase for the names.

Fixed a bug with home users. Please update and follow the above instructions.