
Update to latest LWJGL (3.0.x)

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I noticed LWJGL is upped to 3.0.0 (and 3.0.1 is in alpha). (see: It also changed namespace/package name a bit.

In order to keep Slick up to date as well, we might want to update this library. And I consider this fork to be the 'most official'. (i do know the original author 'abandoned' this project long ago)

I tried this 'quickly' but ran into a bunch of compile errors. One thing I noticed right off the bat was the missing Cursor class. This brought me to . Perhaps this is a way to fix the error, but it also sounds like this 'Cursor' concept might be going away or it should become a part of the Slick domain model somehow.

Anyway. Just created this issue so we know LWJGL has moved forward and in order to keep Slick up to date, we should update it as well :)

Thanks, not against it, but it's unlikely I'll do it myself to be honest...

thx for the response. I can imagine. I'm not especially waiting for the update itself - but I like Slick2d.

Apart from this lwjgl update.. I have been browsing through the source of Slick2d lately and I found some numerous (small sometimes) improvements that makes the library more flexible. Would you be accepting these as PR's? Or should I fork it myself and create my own version of Slick then? (i would not prefer that though)

If I find the time and luxury to up it to lwjgl 3.0.0 then I will make a PR for you :)

Sure I'll take PRs of course, if you could just do small ones at time rather than a big one, they're easier to review. Thanks!

awesome. I sometimes find something missing in Slick and it would be handy to have a few things improved. Will create PR's for those.

a1re1 commented

👋 I wanted this myself so I kicked off the migration process in a fork.
Mostly works, but there are a few broken areas that I left untouched since I didn't need them

Probably wont ever try to make my fork fully backwards compatible with this LWJGL 2 version since I only intend to use it for personal use, just wanted to let people know that they can piggy back on my work if they want a LWJGL3 version.