When cloning this repo, it will create a directory with the name “express-setup”, knowing that, you can clone this repo where you need it then rename the directory from “express-setup” to whatever you need. You can do that in the terminal by cd ..
then mv express-setup/ {newName/}
TLDR: Clone this repo into the parent directory that you want, you should not make a directory for your app because cloning this repo will create one, make sure that you are one level up then mv express-setup/ {newName/}
You will need to delete the preexisting .git file so that you can git init this new project under a different directory name. You can run this line in the command line to delete the .git directory rm -rf .git
After closing, make sure to run npm install
During the sequelize init, the following directories will be created: config, migrations and models.
- You will need to set up a .env file which will hold the sensitive information that will connect this app to ElephantSQL
- The sequelize init will create a config/config.js and the contents in this file will be incorrect because it is loading a JSON object but you will overwrite that with what the dist.env will have.
For more information Sequelize, if you go here you will start at the npx sequelize-cli init