
Pre-rendering (SSG) causes a v8::FromJust Maybe value is Nothing

cskiwi opened this issue · 3 comments

If I use any of the functions of ngxtension I get the following output when doing SSG:

FATAL ERROR: v8::FromJust Maybe value is Nothing
 1: 00007FF700AD6CEB node::SetCppgcReference+18123
 2: 00007FF700A48BB9 node::OnFatalError+265
 3: 00007FF7014A9DB3 v8::api_internal::FromJustIsNothing+83
 4: 00007FF700933C1C RSA_meth_get_flags+156924
 5: 00007FF700ACBCA9 node_api_throw_syntax_error+170265
 6: 00007FF700AAAF9B node_api_throw_syntax_error+35851
 7: 00007FF700B3C74B uv_update_time+491
 8: 00007FF700B3C2C4 uv_run+900
 9: 00007FF700B0D1C5 node::SpinEventLoop+405
10: 00007FF700937DFB RSA_meth_get_flags+173787
11: 00007FF700932A98 RSA_meth_get_flags+152440
12: 00007FF700B2A99D uv_poll_stop+237
13: 00007FF701CEFF10 inflateValidate+152096
14: 00007FFE0F6A257D BaseThreadInitThunk+29
15: 00007FFE1062AA48 RtlUserThreadStart+40

I'm trying to figure out what might be causing this. However I could only pinpoint that it was using anything of ngextension.
I don't have time right now to make an example.

Will try to make it tomorrow, but i'm making this issue to already keep track of it

We will need more information on this one.

Hi, @eneajaho,

I've found that it was an edge case using:

  • gql of apollo-angular
  • in a apollo query
  • in a derivedAsync

Removing the gql of the query and using it as unkown/any/TypedDocumentNode, would fix this error, still strange how this this would matter.

I don't know if this error is ngexension related or apollo related

I've created a template here:
if you would go to file: libs\frontend\pages\home\src\components\home\page-home.component.ts

There change

exampleFetch = derivedAsync(() =>
      query: `
        query Profile {
          me {
      ` as unknown as TypedDocumentNode,


 exampleFetch = derivedAsync(() =>
      query: gql` // <-- use the gql import here
        query Profile {
          me {
      ` ,

the error will show up

After some further investigation I was able to narrowed the issue down to my Apollo not being configured correctly for SSR/SSG.

Sorry to bother you with this issue. It wasn't easy to spot that it came from there :(