
Basic UI

Opened this issue · 4 comments

nh-99 commented

Next project is to add a basic UI. This is going to be a stream of consciousness issue about building it.

nh-99 commented

Want to use a React/Typescript boilerplate (possibly generate with Vite?)

nh-99 commented

Timeline per-user, going to need partial indexes on serviceName:plex,Account.name

nh-99 commented

Want to use a React/Typescript boilerplate (possibly generate with Vite?)

Scaffolding of new components & views needs to be supported to expedite development

nh-99 commented


  • Graph showing watch times globally based on time of day
  • Activity view - recent events, filtering
  • See movies/tv a user has watched
  • Watched hours per day graph
  • Sizes of Plex libraries