
tow open db with different name

ayalma opened this issue · 4 comments

why i can't create tow instance of Snappy db with different name at same time.

I believe there is a bug that prevents multiple databases from being opened in the same process. I'm surprised this issue hasn't been addressed: #26

It looks like the bug was root caused, but the fix hasn't been released, unfortunately. We'll be moving away from this library given the poor support in light of such a critical issue.

thank you so much .
i aggregate my dbs to one single db.

would like to address the same issue, hopefully it can be fixed in future release?

do you have any plan to fix this?

The change snappydb implementation to support more databases isn't so hard.
I implemented similar key value DB with leveldb but only for bytes[] (we don't need to store other types of data to db).

please look on implementation: LevelDB.java
and leveldb_jni.cc

In my case LevelDB isn't singleton, and it has private long nativeDB; field that is used only by jni to store pointer to structure:

struct DatabaseNative {
    leveldb::DB* db;

when you call java nativeOpen(), jni jni_database_open method will be invoked:

void jni_database_open(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jstring dbpath) {
    struct DatabaseNative *native = (struct DatabaseNative *)malloc(sizeof(struct DatabaseNative)); // allocate structure
    leveldb::DB::Open(options, path, &native->db); // open database and save it to structure
    jclass database_clazz = env->FindClass("com/appunite/leveldb/LevelDB"); // get class
    database_clazz_field_native = env->GetFieldID(database_clazz, "nativeDB", "J"); //get java field
    env->SetLongField(thiz, database_clazz_field_native, (jlong) native_db); // store structure to that field

and now in each operation you can get this structure:

void jni_database_put_bytes(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jbyteArray jkey, jbyteArray jvalue) {
    jclass database_clazz = env->FindClass("com/appunite/leveldb/LevelDB"); // get class
    database_clazz_field_native = env->GetFieldID(database_clazz, "nativeDB", "J"); //get java field
    struct DatabaseNative *native = (struct DatabaseNative * )env->GetLongField(thiz, database_clazz_field_native); // get struct from java field

   native->db->Put(leveldb::WriteOptions(), key, value); // write to DB

The implementation is pretty straightforward. Simillar solution I wrote quite while ago in https://github.com/appunite/AndroidFFmpeg

btw: usually you don't have to use multiple databases opened because it's necessary. You can always use prefix for index:

database.put("post:" + postId, "your post");
database.put("comment:" + commentId, "your comment");
String post1 = database.get("post:" + "1");

and query for all:

KeysIterator posts = database.findKeysIterator("post:");
while (key.startWith("post:")) {
   // read your post

look on KeyValueSnappy.getKeys()