
Calls to Intercom('update') should be placed in effect not in render method

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When ReactIntercom props changes, Intercom('update') method gets called with new values.

In ReactIntercom v1 update method is called in componentWillReceiveProps lifecycle method.

In ReactIntercom v2 update method is called directly in render.

Side effects in React should be called after component is rendered. Otherwise render performance is affected.

Based on my profiling calling an update takes tens of miliseconds.

In version 1 Intercom('update') should be called in componentDidMount().

In version 2 Intercom('update') should be called in useEffect()

I believe this is causing this: Intercom not initialized yet warning.
Would you be interested in a PR with a fix @nhagen ?

This repo is fairly dead, @tomdohnal.

If you look at the convo in #73 you can follow our discussion.