
CodePath tip calculator intro project submission

Opened this issue · 1 comments

nhan commented

@nesquena @timothy1ee

Thanks for making the tutorial.

Great, thanks for the submission! Look forwarded to seeing those additional features, feel free to raise a new issue when you have them done.

The next step is to schedule a 15 minute phone interview here: https://www.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UVBDTi1jVkx4SldqfGRlZmF1bHR8MGVhNTlkZDFmYzQzODdkNDFhZjQ0NWQyZjFiMDU3Nzg. Note that the remaining slots are next Wednesday. Let me know if none of those slots work.

When you choose a slot, can you edit the event with your phone number? Look forward to chatting!