
Feature request: Tasker (Locale?) trigger integration

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Recently found and fell in love with this app concept. Really quick to use and looks so smooth; it's now my default assistant app. There are probably a lot of little things that could be added to this app, but the big one to me would be the ability to enter commands as tasker triggers!

I saw a previous post about tasker so to be clear, I actually do not have/use tasker! I use macrodroid instead, and I find it to be very powerful for overhauling my phone's functions, or creating small 'applets'.

Very enthusiastic about this environment but not very experienced/knowledgeable, so bear with me 😅 but from what I understand it's an API call, and works the same for both Tasker and Macrodroid (and more apps). It's based on Locale and is essentially used by a bunch of random apps to activate features inside eachother.

I imagine this would work similarly to the already present custom commands, and when the "enter" key is hit, it would launch the API call to trigger whatever actions I had configured in macrodroid.

I really like this concept for this app in particular, since it would allow it to remain mostly permission-less and lightweight, but allow for really powerful functionality for anyone who wanted it. Anyways, very cool app whether you do or don't add this :)