How to start the calendar with Monday and not Sunday?
awgul opened this issue · 10 comments
How to achieve this?
I've been looking in the API and I don't such option.
@awgul Sorry for late.
We don't have such options.
But It seems to be a necessary option. I'll review it ASAP
Hello, will this feature be available anytime soon?
We have a plan to implement this feature by September.
Hi! Any updates on this issue? Or maybe there is some workaround?
Any updates on this issue?
@awgul @TunedForLife @akavato @kferenc
The weekStartDay
option was added in v4.2.0! Thank you.
Thanks, but there is two problem:
- no dist folder in the new release
- weekStartDay option doesnt work with rangepicker
Please fix it!
Hi guys I cant get weekStartDay working. I get following error: Argument of type '{ language: string; input: { element: HTMLElement; format: string; }; date: Date; showAlways: false; weekStartDay: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'DatePickerOptions'.
Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'weekStartDay' does not exist in type 'DatePickerOptions'.ts(2345)
this is the implementation :
new DatePicker(container, {
language: "customKey",
input: {
element: target,
format: "yyyy-MM-dd",
date: new Date("06-06-2020"),
showAlways: false,
weekStartDay: "Mo",