
alt and caption management: variables

borisschapira opened this issue · 3 comments

Alternative text and caption may be contained in variables, especially when used in a Jekyll include. Unfortunately, the following code does not work.

{% cloudinary include.path alt=include.alt caption=include.caption %}

A possible workaround:

{% cloudinary {{ include.path }} alt="{{ include.alt }}" caption="{{ include.caption }}" %}

I don't know if there's an easy way to know if the parameter is a simple string or an included variable.

I'll try to find something to enhance it and not require explicit variable syntax.

{% if post.lead_image_url %}
     {% assign thumb_url = post.lead_image_url %}
     {% cloudinary reading {{thumb_url}} alt="" %}
{% endif %}

how I use it.

I think recent documentation update answers this: