
problem applying postgres migrations: problem migrating: Dirty database version 5.

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Getting the following simply from changing the version in my toml:

2024-06-17 21:58:53 hasura-storage time="2024-06-17T18:58:53Z" level=error msg="problem applying postgres migrations: problem migrating: Dirty database version 5. Fix and force version."
2024-06-17 21:58:53 hasura-storage time="2024-06-17T18:58:53Z" level=info msg="applying postgres migrations"
2024-06-17 21:58:53 hasura-storage time="2024-06-17T18:58:53Z" level=info msg="Using static aws credentials"
2024-06-17 21:58:53 hasura-storage time="2024-06-17T18:58:53Z" level=info msg="storage version 0.6.0"