
Is anonymous sign-in supported?

samuelchanx opened this issue · 2 comments

I have searched through the repository but couldn't find any methods related to anonymous sign in. Instead, the User from AuthResponse does return an isAnonymous property. Is it supported?

If it is not supported in the dart SDK, is there any workaround? E.g. Is sign in with refresh token a similar implementation if I have some backene code to generate refresh token for the User?

Thank you very much.

Hey @samuelchanx! Anonymous sign in is not available on our console yet. Once it's there, you'll be able to activate it and call <nhost-app-domain>/v1/signin/anonymous endpoint to implement the functionality in your application.

This is definitely going to be supported via our Dart SDK in the future, but not initially.

This method was added to the latest Beta SDK version https://pub.dev/packages/nhost_sdk/versions/4.0.0-dev.9

You need to make sure anonymous sign-in is enabled via Nhost dashboard -> settings -> Sign-in methods -> Anonymous Users.