
Github Pull Request Workflow not checking files in subfolders of subfolders

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Bug Report

The linting that is performed in the pull request workflow pull-request.yml is only linting one file \packages\core\all.scss

Whilst the following syntax works locally in VS Code to lint files in the immediate subfolder of packages and also subfolders of subfolders, when it is run from the github workflow it only lints one file

"lint:css": "stylelint -f verbose --config ./tests/linters/.stylelintrc.js packages/**/*.scss",

What steps are required to reproduce the issue?

Create a pull request and then check the Actions tab

You can also see an example of a recent pull request here

  • expand the Run linting element

What was the environment where this issue occurred?

Github on Windows 10 PC

  • Device: PC
  • Operating System: Windows 10
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Browser version: Version 130.0.6723.117 (Official Build) (32-bit)
  • NHS.UK frontend package version: 9.1.0
  • Node version: 20.0.0

Is there anything else you think would be useful in recreating the issue?
