
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Udacity Project 4: Flight Surety


FlightSurety is a sample application project for Udacity's Blockchain course. This app demontstrates several approaches used in dapp development. Separation of concerns: separate state of dapp and business logic into different contracts. Oracle: gateway into real world. Roles, operational status control and multi-part consensus.


  • Flight Surety is flight delay insurance for passengers
  • Managed as collaboration between multiple airlines
  • Passengers purchase insurance prior to flight
  • If flight is delayed due to airline fault, passengers are paid 1.5X the amount the paid for the insurance
  • Oracles provide information flight status information

Project Requirements:

1. Separation of Concerns.

  • FlightSuretyData contract for data persistence
  • FlightSuretyApp for app logic and oracles code
  • Dapp client for triggering contract calls
  • Server app for simulating Oracles

2. Oracles.

  • Oracles are implemented as a server app
  • Upon startup, upon 20+ oracles are registered and their assigned indexes are persisted in memory
  • Client Dapp is used to trigger request to update flight status generation OracleRequest event that is captured by server
  • Server will loop through all registered oracles,identify those oracles for which the request applies, and respond by calling into app logic contract with the appropriate status code

3. Airlines.

  • Register first airline when contract is deployed
  • Only existing airline can register a new airline until there at least four airlines registered
  • Registration of fifth and subsequent airlines requires multy-part consensus of 50% registered airlines
  • Airline can be registered, but does not participated until it submits funding of 10 ether

4. Passengers.

  • Passenger may pay up to 1 ether for purchasing flight insurance
  • Flight numbers and timestamp are fixed for the purpose of the project and can be defined in the Dapp client
  • If flight is delayed due to airline fault, passenger receives credit of 1.5X the amount they paid
  • Funds are transfered from to the passenger wallet only when they initiate withdraw

5. General.

  • Contracts must have operational status control
  • Functions must fail fast
  • Scaffolding code is provided but you are free to replace it with your own code
  • Have fun learning!

Project Structure:

  • Smart contracts in ./ethereum

  • Server applications as Oracles in ./server

  • Dapp webapp in ./web-app

How to run:

  • Launch app

  • npm i - install dependencies

  • npm run ganache:dev - start ganache testnet

  • npm run migrate:dev - compile and deploy contracts to testnet

  • npm run dapp - launch web dapp

  • npm run server - run oracle servers in background. Don't forget stop them!

  • Launch dapp in the browser on http://localhost:8000

  • Create test flights, click on Register button

  • Choose flight and buy insurance

  • Submit to oracles the flight

  • Try payout your money if flight was not in time

  • Withdraw your ether