
Https and aiosocks not work if use uvloop

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Http + aisocks + uvloop + aiohttp - OK
HttpS + aisocks + uvloop + aiohttp - Fail
aiohttp - 1.0.3
uvloop - 0.5.4
asyncio - 3.4.3

source_traceback: Object created at (most recent call last):
File "./", line 478, in
File "/usr/local/python/3.5.1/lib/python3.5/site-packages/aiosocks/", line 106, in connection_made
File "/usr/local/python/3.5.1/lib/python3.5/asyncio/", line 228, in connection_made
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "uvloop/task.pyx", line 126, in uvloop.loop.BaseTask._fast_step (uvloop/loop.c:99441)
File "/usr/local/python/3.5.1/lib/python3.5/site-packages/aiosocks/", line 80, in negotiate
self._transport._closing = True
AttributeError: attribute '_closing' of 'uvloop.loop.UVBaseTransport' objects is not writable
It is possible to fix in python 3.7.

OK. Sorry, I did not know about this bug.
Thanks for aisocks!

Any updates on this?

~Update: using python 3.7 asyncio module in 3.6 seems to work, no bugs yet!~~
i lied

It is necessary to wait for the appearance of a new api starttls in asyncio.
