
Change filter Alarm

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi Nico,

I have purchased, from you the ESP32-PICO version. I am using with the Nilan Comfort 300LR and CTS600. Everything is ok, but on the Alarm list in the CTS I am getting and ALARM 91, which is
| 91 | I OPT IO | Optionsprint mangler | Kontakt service |

and I cannot clear it.

when I press reset alarms, that does nothing. :(

Maybe you have some suggestion?

p.s.: I just would like to you the set/reset filter alarm

Have you tried the code from the ESP32-C3? There are some changes there. You of course need to adjust the start of the code to match the PICO instead. Else I would suggest trying out the restructured code from Jopand: