
javascript modules for using the GitHub API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GitHub API Modules

a list of 297 javascript modules for using the GitHub API.

Find more datasets like this at nice-registry/about.


This list is created by:

  1. Consuming the entire npm registry using package-stream.
  2. Plucking out packages with the word "github" in their name or description and the words "client" or "api" in their description.
  3. Sorting results by average daily downloads and direct dependents counts.


Top Modules by Download Count

  1. github - NodeJS wrapper for the GitHub API (12909 downloads/day)
  2. gh-got - Convenience wrapper for got to interact with the GitHub API (6397 downloads/day)
  3. ghutils - A collection of utility functions for dealing with the GitHub API (4032 downloads/day)
  4. ghreleases - Interact with the GitHub releases API (3893 downloads/day)
  5. ghrepos - Interact with the GitHub repos API (3850 downloads/day)
  6. githulk - Small but powerful Github client (467 downloads/day)
  7. octonode - nodejs wrapper for github v3 api (399 downloads/day)
  8. github-api - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (279 downloads/day)
  9. octokat - Javascript GitHub client for NodeJS or a browser using promises or callbacks (182 downloads/day)
  10. github4 - NodeJS wrapper for the GitHub API (159 downloads/day)
  11. electron-userland-reports - Slices of data about packages, repos, and users in Electron userland. Collected from the GitHub API, npm registry, and libraries.io (133 downloads/day)
  12. verb - Documentation generator for GitHub projects. Verb is extremely powerful, easy to use, and is used on hundreds of projects of all sizes to generate everything from API docs to readmes. (122 downloads/day)
  13. ghissues - Interact with the GitHub users API (110 downloads/day)
  14. grunt-jsdoc-to-markdown - Markdown API documentation generator, good for Github projects (107 downloads/day)
  15. ghify-request-options - Create a Request option object that helps to interact with the GitHub API (106 downloads/day)
  16. gh-get - Create a request to the Github API (105 downloads/day)
  17. githubot - Hubot-compatible Github API wrapper for Node.js (53 downloads/day)
  18. hubkit - GitHub API library for JavaScript, promise-based, for both NodeJS and the browser (51 downloads/day)
  19. github-xhr - NodeJS wrapper for the GitHub API that uses browser XMLHttpRequest to make requests (46 downloads/day)
  20. ghcrawler - A robust GitHub API crawler that walks a queue of GitHub entities retrieving and storing their contents. (41 downloads/day)
  21. superdesk-core - Build Status [Code Climate](https://code (39 downloads/day)
  22. pull-request - Fork, Commit and Pull Request via the GitHub API (36 downloads/day)
  23. sync-github-forks-cli - Keep github forks up to date using node, the github api and git (35 downloads/day)
  24. on-the-githubs - Uses GitHub API3 to aggregate community activity of open source projects (28 downloads/day)
  25. octocat - GitHub API client in Javascript (28 downloads/day)
  26. micro-toolkit-api-generators - Build Status [Code Climate](https://codecli (26 downloads/day)
  27. peanut-gallery - Simple API to comment on a commit in a Github repo. (25 downloads/day)
  28. cli-github - A fancy GitHub client for command line. (25 downloads/day)
  29. buntpapier - collection of vue components https://rashfael.github.io/buntpapier/ (24 downloads/day)
  30. nor-github - Github API library for Node.js (22 downloads/day)
  31. cloudrail-si - The CloudRail SI SDK for Node.JS, a simple, universal, unified API for the most popular cloud services. Supports: AmazonS3, Box, Backblaze, Dropbox, Egnyte, Facebook, FacebookPage, Foursquare, GitHub, GoogleCloudPlatform, GoogleDrive, GooglePlaces, Google (22 downloads/day)
  32. grunt-github-api - Query Github's API and save the returned JSON files locally. (22 downloads/day)
  33. braque - Abstracter for external APIs. (Github, Heroku etc). Provides a simple wrapper for external APIs. Still beta. (22 downloads/day)
  34. machinepack-github - Communicate with the Github API to get repos, commits, etc. (21 downloads/day)
  35. octokit - Javascript github client for nodejs or a web browser using promises (21 downloads/day)
  36. github-file - A module for updating a file on GitHub via the GitHub API. (21 downloads/day)
  37. github-base - JavaScript wrapper that greatly simplifies working with GitHub's API. (21 downloads/day)
  38. node-github - Wrapper for the GitHub API (20 downloads/day)
  39. tentacles - Gitter GitHub client (18 downloads/day)
  40. hubot-vsphere-commands - A hubot script that allows users to interact with the vsphere-rest-api developed by quickjp2 on github. (18 downloads/day)
  41. ngh - Github client (17 downloads/day)
  42. ember-data-github - Ember Data abstraction for the GitHub API (16 downloads/day)
  43. github-contributors - Generate a markdown or JSON list of contributors for a project using the GitHub API. (16 downloads/day)
  44. release-to-github-with-changelog - Parses CHANGELOG.md to publish a new release resource to the Github api (14 downloads/day)
  45. git-data - High-level wrapper for GitHub's Git Database API (14 downloads/day)
  46. github3 - Node.js GitHub API (v3) Wrapper (14 downloads/day)
  47. ringcentral-client - Build Status [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/ringcentral/ringcentral-js-client/badge.svg?branch= (14 downloads/day)
  48. githubsearch - github search api (14 downloads/day)
  49. test-semver - Demo and API Docs (14 downloads/day)
  50. ape - API documentation generator with github-flavored-markdown output (14 downloads/day)
  51. npmdoc-foreman - #### api documentation for foreman (v2.0.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](htt (13 downloads/day)
  52. npmdoc-urijs - #### api documentation for urijs (v1.18.10) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.tr (13 downloads/day)
  53. npmdoc-flatpickr - #### api documentation for flatpickr (v2.5.7) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https (13 downloads/day)
  54. gh.js - Tiny GitHub API wrapper for server and client. (13 downloads/day)
  55. gistpod - CLI helpers for hosting ad-hoc CocoaPods podspecs as GitHub gists during rapid development (12 downloads/day)
  56. deployment - Continuous deployment for the masses. Download the latest version of your GitHub package, run tests and deploy to the specified directory. Run a deployment server to launch deployments from the internet, and integrate with GitHub easily. Includes an API t (12 downloads/day)
  57. lucify-notifier - Integrates with the GitHub deployments API and Flowdock (12 downloads/day)
  58. npmdoc-react-bootstrap - #### basic api documentation for react-bootstrap (v0.31.0) npm package [![travis- (12 downloads/day)
  59. npmdoc-chartist - #### api documentation for chartist (v0.11.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](ht (12 downloads/day)
  60. github-fetcher - Promised based isomorphic Github API. (11 downloads/day)
  61. npmdoc-html-minifier - #### api documentation for html-minifier (v3.4.3) npm package [![travis-ci.org bu (11 downloads/day)
  62. ng-github-tools - AngularJS 1.* module for work with GitHub API (11 downloads/day)
  63. npmdoc-flux - #### api documentation for flux (v3.1.2) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travis-ci. (11 downloads/day)
  64. npmdoc-orm - #### basic api documentation for orm (v3.2.3) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.tra (11 downloads/day)
  65. npmdoc-react-dom - #### api documentation for react-dom (v15.5.4) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](http (11 downloads/day)
  66. npmdoc-kue - #### basic api documentation for kue (v0.11.5) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travi (10 downloads/day)
  67. github-js - Javascript github client for nodejs or a web browser using promises (10 downloads/day)
  68. npmdoc-mobile-detect - #### basic api documentation for mobile-detect (v1.3.6) npm package [![travis- (10 downloads/day)
  69. sync-to-github - Easily sync a directory of files to a GitHub repo using the GitHub API (10 downloads/day)
  70. gisty - Wrapper for the GitHub Gists API v3 (10 downloads/day)
  71. npmdoc-showdown - #### basic api documentation for showdown (v1.6.4) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status (10 downloads/day)
  72. parse-github-event - parse Github API Event Types. (10 downloads/day)
  73. npmdoc-react-tap-event-plugin - #### basic api documentation for react-tap-event-plugin (v2.0.1) [npm package](https://www.npmjs.org/package/npmdoc-react-tap-event-p (9 downloads/day)
  74. npmdoc-date-utils - #### basic api documentation for date-utils (v1.2.21) npm package [![travis-ci.org (9 downloads/day)
  75. badge - Stateless GitHub authentication for Hapi. (9 downloads/day)
  76. npmdoc-mobx - #### basic api documentation for mobx (v3.1.9) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travis (9 downloads/day)
  77. octop - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (9 downloads/day)
  78. github-readme-retriever - Retrieve README.md from GitHub API (9 downloads/day)
  79. npmdoc-slush - #### basic api documentation for slush (v1.1.1) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travis-c (9 downloads/day)
  80. jhub - JavaScript bindings for the GitHub API (9 downloads/day)
  81. sync-github-forks - Keep github forks up to date using node, the github api and git (9 downloads/day)
  82. lerna-wizard - Travis CI Build status [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/szarouski/lerna-wizar (8 downloads/day)
  83. npmdoc-hammerjs - #### basic api documentation for hammerjs (v2.0.8) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://a (8 downloads/day)
  84. github-event-poller - Poll GitHub Events API (8 downloads/day)
  85. mydataspace - Client NodeJS library for MyDataSpace - GitHub for Data (8 downloads/day)
  86. docify - Drop-in customizable project page, API documentation, and Github Pages support for your npm module. (8 downloads/day)
  87. npmdoc-nodeadmin - #### api documentation for nodeadmin (v0.1.2) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](ht (8 downloads/day)
  88. strong-github-api - An Octokat-based API for querying GitHub (8 downloads/day)
  89. ciper - A CI-PR creator that queries the github API and creates jobs in jenkins for running tests on PR and master (8 downloads/day)
  90. blogd - Node Server providing an API to expose blog data from a formated github repository (8 downloads/day)
  91. node-github-client - github api for node.js (8 downloads/day)
  92. gitter - GitHub client (API v3) (8 downloads/day)
  93. github-adapter - Adapter for calling github API. (7 downloads/day)
  94. github-pages - Publishes your github pages using the github API (7 downloads/day)
  95. github-client - Javascript github client for nodejs or a web browser using promises (7 downloads/day)
  96. hapi-auth-github - Quick & Simple GitHub Authentication for Hapi.js apps (7 downloads/day)
  97. nativescript-okhttp - OkHttp is an HTTP client that supports: (7 downloads/day)
  98. npmdoc-grunt-wiredep - #### basic api documentation for grunt-wiredep (v3.0.1) npm package [![tr (7 downloads/day)
  99. ghteams - Interact with the GitHub organisation teams API (7 downloads/day)
  100. component-github-content-api - Component remote interface to the GitHub content API (7 downloads/day)
  101. github-publish - Publishes a file to a repository through the GitHub Contents API (7 downloads/day)
  102. githubber - GitHub API library, with added express helper (7 downloads/day)
  103. github-api-tool - Tools to create GitHub API clients (7 downloads/day)
  104. npmdoc-jest-cli - #### basic api documentation for jest-cli (v19.0.2) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](htt (7 downloads/day)
  105. npmdoc-accounting - #### basic api documentation for accounting (v0.4.1) npm package [![travis-ci (7 downloads/day)
  106. ghrequest - HTTP client for the GitHub API with cache support to get the most of your rate limit (7 downloads/day)
  107. npmdoc-pdfjs-dist - #### basic api documentation for pdfjs-dist (v1.8.254) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-sta (6 downloads/day)
  108. q-github - Q Promise-based wrapper around node github API (6 downloads/day)
  109. cwrcgit - Client for creating and updating CWRC XML documents in GitHub through the GitHub API. (6 downloads/day)
  110. github-jobs - Github Jobs API module (6 downloads/day)
  111. npmdoc-medium-editor - #### api documentation for medium-editor (v5.23.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org bu (6 downloads/day)
  112. github-lite - A light github api wrapper, optimised for newer browsers (6 downloads/day)
  113. github-ls - List files in a github folder without api, fetching or html parsing! (6 downloads/day)
  114. npmdoc-maildev - #### api documentation for maildev (v0.14.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https:/ (6 downloads/day)
  115. node-github-autopool - Add a webhook to github. Every push will pull it to your server. We used zapier, to update you by email. (6 downloads/day)
  116. npmdoc-lazy.js - #### api documentation for lazy.js (v0.5.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.tr (6 downloads/day)
  117. ghapi - a github api for node and browser (6 downloads/day)
  118. npmdoc-karma - #### api documentation for karma (v1.6.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travis-c (6 downloads/day)
  119. github-pr-release - Create a release pull request by Github API (6 downloads/day)
  120. npmdoc-karma-cli - #### api documentation for karma-cli (v1.0.1) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https:// (6 downloads/day)
  121. github-api-simple - Simple Github API wrapper for unauthenticated end points (6 downloads/day)
  122. npmdoc-karma-chai - #### basic api documentation for karma-chai (v0.1.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-s (6 downloads/day)
  123. npmdoc-observed - #### basic api documentation for observed (v1.1.2) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status]( (6 downloads/day)
  124. npmdoc-jasmine - #### api documentation for jasmine (v2.5.3) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travis- (6 downloads/day)
  125. github-related-emails-tor - Helps find the email address of a GitHub user, and related emails. Sorted by relevance. Works through your Tor client. (6 downloads/day)
  126. gc2gh-issue-migrator - Migration tool(s) for fetching issues from the Google Code Project Hosting Issue Tracker API and translating that data into a GitHub Issue Tracker offline-importable format. (6 downloads/day)
  127. npmdoc-select2 - #### basic api documentation for select2 (v4.0.3) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.t (6 downloads/day)
  128. npmdoc-normalize.css - #### api documentation for normalize.css (v6.0.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org b (6 downloads/day)
  129. npmdoc-schema-inspector - api documentation for schema-inspector (v1.6.8) npm package [![travis-ci.o (6 downloads/day)
  130. coffeedoc-hub - An API documentation generator for CoffeeScript, for use on GitHub wiki (6 downloads/day)
  131. octokit.node - GitHub API SDK (6 downloads/day)
  132. hubfs.js - Github API wrapper to writeFile and readFile (6 downloads/day)
  133. npmdoc-sanitize.css - #### api documentation for sanitize.css (v5.0.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org (6 downloads/day)
  134. npmdoc-grunt-bower-install - #### basic api documentation for grunt-bower-install (v1.6.0) [npm package](https://www.npmjs.org/package/npmdoc-gr (6 downloads/day)
  135. npmdoc-react-tools - #### basic api documentation for react-tools (v0.13.3) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-s (6 downloads/day)
  136. npmdoc-node-ipc - #### api documentation for node-ipc (v9.0.1) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](h (6 downloads/day)
  137. bugbot-github-issues - A very simple client for Github Issues (6 downloads/day)
  138. npmdoc-react-google-maps - #### basic api documentation for react-google-maps (v6.3.0) [npm package](https://www.npmjs.org/package/npmdoc-react-google (6 downloads/day)
  139. work-github - An extended fork of github-api (6 downloads/day)
  140. gist-get - Simple module to retrieve gists using the github api. (6 downloads/day)
  141. strong-github-analytics - A toolkit that utilizes the strong-github-api for generating analytics data. (6 downloads/day)
  142. npmdoc-picturefill - #### api documentation for picturefill (v3.0.2) npm package [![travis-ci.org build- (6 downloads/day)
  143. npmdoc-minify - #### api documentation for minify (v2.0.13) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api. (6 downloads/day)
  144. github2 - NodeJS wrapper for the GitHub API (6 downloads/day)
  145. docular-ui-plugin-github - Docular UI Plugin to add directives that query the GitHub API (5 downloads/day)
  146. github-api-tags-full - Gets all tags with their respective commit for sorting from Github API (5 downloads/day)
  147. npmdoc-react - #### api documentation for react (v15.5.4) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.trav (5 downloads/day)
  148. ghrequestor - A simple, resilient GitHub API client for bulk retrieval of GitHub resources (5 downloads/day)
  149. ghusers - Interact with the GitHub users API (5 downloads/day)
  150. github-api-base - Basic functionality required for all github api calls. (5 downloads/day)
  151. npmdoc-helmet - #### api documentation for helmet (v3.5.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travis-c (5 downloads/day)
  152. github-api_modified - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (5 downloads/day)
  153. npmdoc-google-libphonenumber - #### api documentation for google-libphonenumber (v2.0.15) [npm package](https://www.npmjs.org/package/npmdoc-google-li (5 downloads/day)
  154. npmdoc-git-server - #### basic api documentation for git-server (v0.2.0) npm package [! (5 downloads/day)
  155. tentacles-streams - Streaming for Tentacles GitHub client (5 downloads/day)
  156. npmdoc-fb-watchman - #### api documentation for fb-watchman (v2.0.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-stat (5 downloads/day)
  157. npmdoc-ember-bootstrap - #### api documentation for ember-bootstrap (v0.11.3) npm package [![travi (5 downloads/day)
  158. github-request - Simplified GitHub API requests. (5 downloads/day)
  159. npmdoc-draft-js - #### basic api documentation for draft-js (v0.10.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status] (5 downloads/day)
  160. npmdoc-diskdb - #### api documentation for diskdb (v0.1.17) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.t (5 downloads/day)
  161. github-repo - A very simple Github repo info API wrapper (5 downloads/day)
  162. github-publish-npm - This will upload publish npm assets to the GitHub Releases API. (5 downloads/day)
  163. mixer-webpack-plugin - npm node [license](LICE (5 downloads/day)
  164. npmdoc-amqplib - #### api documentation for amqplib (v0.5.1) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https:// (5 downloads/day)
  165. api-github - Github api wrapper (5 downloads/day)
  166. github-markdown-render - Render markdown using the GitHub Markdown API (5 downloads/day)
  167. glob-github - Run glob expressions against the Github Repo Contents API and return the matching files and metadata; with caching. (4 downloads/day)
  168. simple-github - A simple, request-inspired and promise-based wrapper around GitHub's API. (4 downloads/day)
  169. github-protobuf - node library for github api events in protobuf format (4 downloads/day)
  170. github-deploy-notify - Inform github deployment API of deployment (4 downloads/day)
  171. libhub - Libraries.io Simple GitHub Client (4 downloads/day)
  172. commits-element - GitHub commits element. Lists commits on a repository using Polymer and GitHub API. (4 downloads/day)
  173. github-search - A Library for Github's Code Search API (4 downloads/day)
  174. hil - Add hapijs standard labels to github projects (4 downloads/day)
  175. github-contribution-stats - Client of GitHub Contributions and Streaks (4 downloads/day)
  176. graphqlhub-schemas - GraphQL Schemas for REST APIs like Github, Hacker News, Reddit, and Twitter (4 downloads/day)
  177. gngb-api - The API to get data of GitHub, Npm, Gem and Bower and make a badge (4 downloads/day)
  178. github-event-types - All Event types of the Github API (4 downloads/day)
  179. gittercat - Gitter GitHub client (4 downloads/day)
  180. github-webhook-fixtures - A set of testing fixtures for the GitHub Webhooks API v3 (4 downloads/day)
  181. editdata-github - an api client for github that performs actions needed by editdata applications (4 downloads/day)
  182. github-api-promise - A node module for interfacing with the Github API using promises (4 downloads/day)
  183. github-trending-api - API for GitHub trending repositories (4 downloads/day)
  184. githubtopcontributors_module - node.js module to query the GitHub API and return the "top 10" contributors in json format (4 downloads/day)
  185. githubtopcontributors - node.js site to query the GitHub API using the githubtopcontributors_module module and display the "top 10" contributors (4 downloads/day)
  186. gh-status-methods - Get all methods in the Github Status API (4 downloads/day)
  187. trending-github - Simple API for getting trending repositories on Github (4 downloads/day)
  188. gh-api-stream - streams JSON content from a GitHub API (4 downloads/day)
  189. repohelper - Module to help github api auth and data gathering from repos (3 downloads/day)
  190. github-search-api - Node wrapper for the Github Search API (3 downloads/day)
  191. gothub - A convenience wrapper for got to interact with the GitHub API (very similar to gh-got). (3 downloads/day)
  192. github-commits-since-tag-cli - CLI to get commits since a tag with GitHub API (3 downloads/day)
  193. github-top-10-contributors - Node module to query the GitHub API and get the "top 10 contributors" for a particular repository. (3 downloads/day)
  194. github-graphql-client - Node.js client for the GitHub GraphQL API with zero dependencies (3 downloads/day)
  195. github-api-user - A simple wrapper for Github API (3 downloads/day)
  196. branches-source-github - Small wrapper around github-api to provide branches with a GitHub source. (3 downloads/day)
  197. reliable-github - GitHub Oauth2 Client (3 downloads/day)
  198. co-github - co wrapper for node github api (3 downloads/day)
  199. corvid - interactive CLI github API browser and cloning aid (3 downloads/day)
  200. markup - realtime rendering markdown using github api (3 downloads/day)
  201. gists - Methods for working with the GitHub Gist API. Node.js/JavaScript (3 downloads/day)
  202. exhibit-github - A plugin for the exhibition API wrapper app. (3 downloads/day)
  203. github-test-arif - Some Github API for fun (3 downloads/day)
  204. github.node - Github v3 API client (3 downloads/day)
  205. ghpulls - Interact with the GitHub pull requests API (3 downloads/day)
  206. ghify-request - Create a Request wrapper to interact with the GitHub API (3 downloads/day)
  207. ghauth-web - A github authentication client that works for both single page web apps and also chrome apps (3 downloads/day)
  208. grunt-github-fetch - Fetch assets from github repositories releases using Github cool API (3 downloads/day)
  209. pull-dom-mutants - pull-stream source of mutations to a dom element using Mutation Observer. Emits [Mutation Records](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Mutation (3 downloads/day)
  210. gh-search - A simply utility to search GitHub API (3 downloads/day)
  211. fetch-api - API wrapper for ES6's fetch method used with GitHub's fetch polyfill (3 downloads/day)
  212. file-history - Use GitHub API to get a file's history for each git tag (3 downloads/day)
  213. forked-github-api-for-test - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (3 downloads/day)
  214. resource-github - for interacting with the Github.com API (3 downloads/day)
  215. gh-issues-api - Github issues API wrapper written in typescript (3 downloads/day)
  216. get-github-event-types - Get all Event types of the Github API from the API reference (3 downloads/day)
  217. get-repo-package-json - Fetch a GitHub repository's package.json file using the GitHub API (3 downloads/day)
  218. skyscanner-liveflights-api - CircleCI [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/jameshopkins/skyscanner-liveflights-api/bad (3 downloads/day)
  219. octo - Simple and highly flexible JavaScripti API for GitHub API v3 (3 downloads/day)
  220. vue-github-api - A deadly simple Vue.js plugin to consume GitHub API. (3 downloads/day)
  221. gh-client - Minimal streaming client for the github API (2 downloads/day)
  222. gh-delete - Create a DELETE request to the Github API (2 downloads/day)
  223. gh-event - GitHub API Events Parser (2 downloads/day)
  224. gh-patch - Create a PATCH request to the Github API (2 downloads/day)
  225. octoqueue - simple GitHub API queue for rate limiting (2 downloads/day)
  226. gh-put - Create a PUT request to the Github API (2 downloads/day)
  227. gh-rate-limit - Get your current rate limit status of the Github API (2 downloads/day)
  228. gh-status-get - Create a GET request to the Github Status API (2 downloads/day)
  229. gistfs.js - Github gist API wrapper to writeFile and readFile (2 downloads/day)
  230. github-api-support-author - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (2 downloads/day)
  231. releases - Uses GitHub API to show feed of releases and open bugs for a given project. (2 downloads/day)
  232. githubapi.js - wrapper on top of github api v3 (2 downloads/day)
  233. github-commits-since-tag - Get commits since a tag with GitHub API (2 downloads/day)
  234. github-contributions - GitHub Contributions API implementation for Node.js (unofficial). (2 downloads/day)
  235. gh-api-headers - provides default headers for GitHub API requests (2 downloads/day)
  236. node-github-wrapper - A really simple GitHub API wrapper for Node.js (2 downloads/day)
  237. sandesh-github-api - Simplified Github API for fetching repositories, issues, gists, pull-requests, users. (2 downloads/day)
  238. github-pager - Pagination support for the GitHub API. (2 downloads/day)
  239. github-project-inspector - Node.js module that uses the Github API to gather metadata about a project on Github (2 downloads/day)
  240. github-remote-commit - A lib/cli to commit changes and create pull request using the github api (2 downloads/day)
  241. github-request-all - Iterate and collect all pages of objects for a GitHub API request (2 downloads/day)
  242. gthb - A lightweight wrapper around the GitHub API. (2 downloads/day)
  243. grunt-repos - Grunt task to download a list of repos from GitHub's API (2 downloads/day)
  244. awesome-github - AwesomeCI GitHub API (2 downloads/day)
  245. grunt-holo - A client-side dependency manager for Github repositories. (2 downloads/day)
  246. githubjs - Javascript Plugin over Github APIs. (2 downloads/day)
  247. updater-contributors - Update the contributors array in package.json with the contributors returned by the GitHub API. (2 downloads/day)
  248. angular-github-api-factory - angularjs factory for github json rest api requests (2 downloads/day)
  249. ricloud - This is the sample JavaScript Node.js client for Reincubate's iCloud API. (2 downloads/day)
  250. gh-cli - A github info client. (1 download/day)
  251. gh-api - simple GitHub API requests in Node / browser (1 download/day)
  252. github-pagination - A simple js lib for parse GitHub's pagination info from API's response. (1 download/day)
  253. ng-github - GitHub API wrapper for AngularJS (1 download/day)
  254. hubot-github-deployments - Integrate with GitHub deployment API (1 download/day)
  255. gfm-cli - Queries the GitHub API to render Github Flavored Markdown from the terminal (1 download/day)
  256. github-oauth2 - A utility to get Oauth2 tokens from github for use in api calls. (1 download/day)
  257. octonode-baseurl - nodejs wrapper for github v3 api (1 download/day)
  258. octonode-nick - nodejs wrapper for github v3 api (1 download/day)
  259. github-top-ten-contributions - GitHub Top Ten Contributions implementation for Node.js utilizing the GitHub API. (1 download/day)
  260. octonode2 - nodejs wrapper for github v3 api (1 download/day)
  261. idp-github - OAuth2 Github Client (1 download/day)
  262. github-api-node - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (1 download/day)
  263. github-api-meiroo - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (1 download/day)
  264. parse-gh-branch-identifier - Parse a branch identifier string that is available for Github commit comparison API (1 download/day)
  265. github-api-isomorphic - github api for nodejs and browser (1 download/day)
  266. parse-user-branch - Parse a username:branch string that is available for Github commit comparison API (1 download/day)
  267. peaches-github - NodeJS wrapper for the GitHub API (1 download/day)
  268. explore-api - A Node.js API for GitHub's Explore page (1 download/day)
  269. github-api-basic - Simple helper functions to use and call the github api with streaming (1 download/day)
  270. gitter-github-client - Gitter GitHub client (1 download/day)
  271. nodegit-http - Read-only GitHub-like HTTP API atop nodegit using express. (1 download/day)
  272. dygitget - Retrieve various data from the GitHub API (1 download/day)
  273. github-extended - A collection of methods to extend the functionality of Github.js (known on npm as github-api) (1 download/day)
  274. kerplunk-github - Authenticate to the GitHub API (1 download/day)
  275. github-user-info - Using the Github API, create a JSON file of user information from a list of users. (1 download/day)
  276. github-user-contributions - Node.js wrapper for Github v3 API to retrieve contribution statistics about specific user (1 download/day)
  277. github-curl - github api via curl (~/.githubtoken required) (1 download/day)
  278. logist - A blogging platform using the Github API (1 download/day)
  279. gh2 - little github client (1 download/day)
  280. github-user - Simple wrapper around GH API (1 download/day)
  281. ae-github - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (1 download/day)
  282. sruhub - This project is a user interface to scrum with GitHub, all stories data is stored on GitHub using GitHub api, no secondary DB. (1 download/day)
  283. markdown-test - Converts a markdown file into a test html file via github api and the github flavoured css (1 download/day)
  284. github-ts - GitHub API wrapper for JavaScript (1 download/day)
  285. mawuli-test-api-github - test github api (1 download/day)
  286. gh-post - Create a POST request to the Github API (1 download/day)
  287. backbone-github - Backbone models for the GitHub API (1 download/day)
  288. mc-ext-github - Mission Control Extension for working with GitHub, including cloning repos, handling webhooks, and the status API. (1 download/day)
  289. gpos - Github Pages search engine powered by Github code search API (1 download/day)
  290. awesome-github-api - AwesomeCI GitHub API (1 download/day)
  291. ascii-github - GitHub CLI Client (1 download/day)
  292. todo-github-example - export github api for node (1 download/day)
  293. hub-o-matic - GitHub API wrapper (1 download/day)
  294. github-static-auth - A module that handles communicating with github-secret-keeper and the GitHub api for authenticating users on static sites. (1 download/day)
  295. github-ci-status - Check the current CI status of a repo using GitHub's Statuses API (1 download/day)
  296. gitlogin - Modern, simplified Github login, CLI and API - generating personal access token. Support promises and node-style callbacks. (1 download/day)
  297. github-api-throttled - A nodejs microservice that throttles api requests to github and caches results (1 download/day)

Top Modules by Direct Dependent Count

  1. github - NodeJS wrapper for the GitHub API (588 direct dependents)
  2. verb - Documentation generator for GitHub projects. Verb is extremely powerful, easy to use, and is used on hundreds of projects of all sizes to generate everything from API docs to readmes. (229 direct dependents)
  3. octonode - nodejs wrapper for github v3 api (106 direct dependents)
  4. grunt-jsdoc-to-markdown - Markdown API documentation generator, good for Github projects (73 direct dependents)
  5. github-api - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (49 direct dependents)
  6. gh-got - Convenience wrapper for got to interact with the GitHub API (47 direct dependents)
  7. octokat - Javascript GitHub client for NodeJS or a browser using promises or callbacks (31 direct dependents)
  8. githubot - Hubot-compatible Github API wrapper for Node.js (27 direct dependents)
  9. grunt-repos - Grunt task to download a list of repos from GitHub's API (14 direct dependents)
  10. pull-request - Fork, Commit and Pull Request via the GitHub API (13 direct dependents)
  11. gh-get - Create a request to the Github API (11 direct dependents)
  12. gh.js - Tiny GitHub API wrapper for server and client. (11 direct dependents)
  13. github-base - JavaScript wrapper that greatly simplifies working with GitHub's API. (10 direct dependents)
  14. githulk - Small but powerful Github client (9 direct dependents)
  15. node-github - Wrapper for the GitHub API (9 direct dependents)
  16. ghissues - Interact with the GitHub users API (8 direct dependents)
  17. ghutils - A collection of utility functions for dealing with the GitHub API (8 direct dependents)
  18. github4 - NodeJS wrapper for the GitHub API (6 direct dependents)
  19. github3 - Node.js GitHub API (v3) Wrapper (4 direct dependents)
  20. ghrepos - Interact with the GitHub repos API (4 direct dependents)
  21. github-request - Simplified GitHub API requests. (4 direct dependents)
  22. machinepack-github - Communicate with the Github API to get repos, commits, etc. (3 direct dependents)
  23. github-contributors - Generate a markdown or JSON list of contributors for a project using the GitHub API. (3 direct dependents)
  24. peanut-gallery - Simple API to comment on a commit in a Github repo. (3 direct dependents)
  25. github-pages - Publishes your github pages using the github API (3 direct dependents)
  26. github-publish-npm - This will upload publish npm assets to the GitHub Releases API. (3 direct dependents)
  27. hubfs.js - Github API wrapper to writeFile and readFile (2 direct dependents)
  28. ghify-request-options - Create a Request option object that helps to interact with the GitHub API (2 direct dependents)
  29. ghpulls - Interact with the GitHub pull requests API (2 direct dependents)
  30. gh-status-get - Create a GET request to the Github Status API (2 direct dependents)
  31. gh-api-headers - provides default headers for GitHub API requests (2 direct dependents)
  32. octocat - GitHub API client in Javascript (2 direct dependents)
  33. github-client - Javascript github client for nodejs or a web browser using promises (1 direct dependent)
  34. ghreleases - Interact with the GitHub releases API (1 direct dependent)
  35. ghapi - a github api for node and browser (1 direct dependent)
  36. github-pr-release - Create a release pull request by Github API (1 direct dependent)
  37. git-data - High-level wrapper for GitHub's Git Database API (1 direct dependent)
  38. bugbot-github-issues - A very simple client for Github Issues (1 direct dependent)
  39. awesome-github-api - AwesomeCI GitHub API (1 direct dependent)
  40. github-api-base - Basic functionality required for all github api calls. (1 direct dependent)
  41. ape - API documentation generator with github-flavored-markdown output (1 direct dependent)
  42. nor-github - Github API library for Node.js (1 direct dependent)
  43. api-github - Github api wrapper (1 direct dependent)
  44. glob-github - Run glob expressions against the Github Repo Contents API and return the matching files and metadata; with caching. (1 direct dependent)
  45. simple-github - A simple, request-inspired and promise-based wrapper around GitHub's API. (1 direct dependent)
  46. githubtopcontributors_module - node.js module to query the GitHub API and return the "top 10" contributors in json format (1 direct dependent)
  47. gh-status-methods - Get all methods in the Github Status API (1 direct dependent)
  48. gh-api-stream - streams JSON content from a GitHub API (1 direct dependent)
  49. github-search-api - Node wrapper for the Github Search API (1 direct dependent)
  50. markup - realtime rendering markdown using github api (1 direct dependent)
  51. parse-github-event - parse Github API Event Types. (1 direct dependent)
  52. pull-dom-mutants - pull-stream source of mutations to a dom element using Mutation Observer. Emits [Mutation Records](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Mutation (1 direct dependent)
  53. get-repo-package-json - Fetch a GitHub repository's package.json file using the GitHub API (1 direct dependent)
  54. octo - Simple and highly flexible JavaScripti API for GitHub API v3 (1 direct dependent)
  55. gh-delete - Create a DELETE request to the Github API (1 direct dependent)
  56. gh-put - Create a PUT request to the Github API (1 direct dependent)
  57. octop - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (1 direct dependent)
  58. gistfs.js - Github gist API wrapper to writeFile and readFile (1 direct dependent)
  59. github-commits-since-tag - Get commits since a tag with GitHub API (1 direct dependent)
  60. github-readme-retriever - Retrieve README.md from GitHub API (1 direct dependent)
  61. tentacles - Gitter GitHub client (1 direct dependent)
  62. angular-github-api-factory - angularjs factory for github json rest api requests (1 direct dependent)
  63. gh-api - simple GitHub API requests in Node / browser (1 direct dependent)
  64. parse-user-branch - Parse a username:branch string that is available for Github commit comparison API (1 direct dependent)
  65. github-user - Simple wrapper around GH API (1 direct dependent)
  66. hapi-auth-github - Quick & Simple GitHub Authentication for Hapi.js apps (1 direct dependent)
  67. github-js - Javascript github client for nodejs or a web browser using promises (0 direct dependents)
  68. npmdoc-mobile-detect - #### basic api documentation for mobile-detect (v1.3.6) npm package [![travis- (0 direct dependents)
  69. sync-to-github - Easily sync a directory of files to a GitHub repo using the GitHub API (0 direct dependents)
  70. gisty - Wrapper for the GitHub Gists API v3 (0 direct dependents)
  71. npmdoc-showdown - #### basic api documentation for showdown (v1.6.4) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status (0 direct dependents)
  72. buntpapier - collection of vue components https://rashfael.github.io/buntpapier/ (0 direct dependents)
  73. npmdoc-react-tap-event-plugin - #### basic api documentation for react-tap-event-plugin (v2.0.1) [npm package](https://www.npmjs.org/package/npmdoc-react-tap-event-p (0 direct dependents)
  74. npmdoc-date-utils - #### basic api documentation for date-utils (v1.2.21) npm package [![travis-ci.org (0 direct dependents)
  75. badge - Stateless GitHub authentication for Hapi. (0 direct dependents)
  76. npmdoc-mobx - #### basic api documentation for mobx (v3.1.9) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travis (0 direct dependents)
  77. github-xhr - NodeJS wrapper for the GitHub API that uses browser XMLHttpRequest to make requests (0 direct dependents)
  78. cloudrail-si - The CloudRail SI SDK for Node.JS, a simple, universal, unified API for the most popular cloud services. Supports: AmazonS3, Box, Backblaze, Dropbox, Egnyte, Facebook, FacebookPage, Foursquare, GitHub, GoogleCloudPlatform, GoogleDrive, GooglePlaces, Google (0 direct dependents)
  79. npmdoc-slush - #### basic api documentation for slush (v1.1.1) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travis-c (0 direct dependents)
  80. jhub - JavaScript bindings for the GitHub API (0 direct dependents)
  81. sync-github-forks - Keep github forks up to date using node, the github api and git (0 direct dependents)
  82. lerna-wizard - Travis CI Build status [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/szarouski/lerna-wizar (0 direct dependents)
  83. npmdoc-hammerjs - #### basic api documentation for hammerjs (v2.0.8) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://a (0 direct dependents)
  84. github-event-poller - Poll GitHub Events API (0 direct dependents)
  85. mydataspace - Client NodeJS library for MyDataSpace - GitHub for Data (0 direct dependents)
  86. docify - Drop-in customizable project page, API documentation, and Github Pages support for your npm module. (0 direct dependents)
  87. npmdoc-nodeadmin - #### api documentation for nodeadmin (v0.1.2) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](ht (0 direct dependents)
  88. strong-github-api - An Octokat-based API for querying GitHub (0 direct dependents)
  89. ciper - A CI-PR creator that queries the github API and creates jobs in jenkins for running tests on PR and master (0 direct dependents)
  90. blogd - Node Server providing an API to expose blog data from a formated github repository (0 direct dependents)
  91. node-github-client - github api for node.js (0 direct dependents)
  92. gitter - GitHub client (API v3) (0 direct dependents)
  93. github-adapter - Adapter for calling github API. (0 direct dependents)
  94. grunt-github-api - Query Github's API and save the returned JSON files locally. (0 direct dependents)
  95. braque - Abstracter for external APIs. (Github, Heroku etc). Provides a simple wrapper for external APIs. Still beta. (0 direct dependents)
  96. ghcrawler - A robust GitHub API crawler that walks a queue of GitHub entities retrieving and storing their contents. (0 direct dependents)
  97. nativescript-okhttp - OkHttp is an HTTP client that supports: (0 direct dependents)
  98. npmdoc-grunt-wiredep - #### basic api documentation for grunt-wiredep (v3.0.1) npm package [![tr (0 direct dependents)
  99. ghteams - Interact with the GitHub organisation teams API (0 direct dependents)
  100. component-github-content-api - Component remote interface to the GitHub content API (0 direct dependents)
  101. github-publish - Publishes a file to a repository through the GitHub Contents API (0 direct dependents)
  102. githubber - GitHub API library, with added express helper (0 direct dependents)
  103. github-api-tool - Tools to create GitHub API clients (0 direct dependents)
  104. npmdoc-jest-cli - #### basic api documentation for jest-cli (v19.0.2) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](htt (0 direct dependents)
  105. npmdoc-accounting - #### basic api documentation for accounting (v0.4.1) npm package [![travis-ci (0 direct dependents)
  106. ghrequest - HTTP client for the GitHub API with cache support to get the most of your rate limit (0 direct dependents)
  107. npmdoc-pdfjs-dist - #### basic api documentation for pdfjs-dist (v1.8.254) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-sta (0 direct dependents)
  108. q-github - Q Promise-based wrapper around node github API (0 direct dependents)
  109. cwrcgit - Client for creating and updating CWRC XML documents in GitHub through the GitHub API. (0 direct dependents)
  110. github-jobs - Github Jobs API module (0 direct dependents)
  111. npmdoc-medium-editor - #### api documentation for medium-editor (v5.23.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org bu (0 direct dependents)
  112. github-lite - A light github api wrapper, optimised for newer browsers (0 direct dependents)
  113. github-ls - List files in a github folder without api, fetching or html parsing! (0 direct dependents)
  114. npmdoc-maildev - #### api documentation for maildev (v0.14.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https:/ (0 direct dependents)
  115. node-github-autopool - Add a webhook to github. Every push will pull it to your server. We used zapier, to update you by email. (0 direct dependents)
  116. npmdoc-lazy.js - #### api documentation for lazy.js (v0.5.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.tr (0 direct dependents)
  117. octokit - Javascript github client for nodejs or a web browser using promises (0 direct dependents)
  118. npmdoc-karma - #### api documentation for karma (v1.6.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travis-c (0 direct dependents)
  119. github-file - A module for updating a file on GitHub via the GitHub API. (0 direct dependents)
  120. npmdoc-karma-cli - #### api documentation for karma-cli (v1.0.1) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https:// (0 direct dependents)
  121. github-api-simple - Simple Github API wrapper for unauthenticated end points (0 direct dependents)
  122. npmdoc-karma-chai - #### basic api documentation for karma-chai (v0.1.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-s (0 direct dependents)
  123. npmdoc-observed - #### basic api documentation for observed (v1.1.2) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status]( (0 direct dependents)
  124. npmdoc-jasmine - #### api documentation for jasmine (v2.5.3) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travis- (0 direct dependents)
  125. github-related-emails-tor - Helps find the email address of a GitHub user, and related emails. Sorted by relevance. Works through your Tor client. (0 direct dependents)
  126. gc2gh-issue-migrator - Migration tool(s) for fetching issues from the Google Code Project Hosting Issue Tracker API and translating that data into a GitHub Issue Tracker offline-importable format. (0 direct dependents)
  127. npmdoc-select2 - #### basic api documentation for select2 (v4.0.3) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.t (0 direct dependents)
  128. npmdoc-normalize.css - #### api documentation for normalize.css (v6.0.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org b (0 direct dependents)
  129. npmdoc-schema-inspector - api documentation for schema-inspector (v1.6.8) npm package [![travis-ci.o (0 direct dependents)
  130. coffeedoc-hub - An API documentation generator for CoffeeScript, for use on GitHub wiki (0 direct dependents)
  131. octokit.node - GitHub API SDK (0 direct dependents)
  132. superdesk-core - Build Status [Code Climate](https://code (0 direct dependents)
  133. npmdoc-sanitize.css - #### api documentation for sanitize.css (v5.0.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org (0 direct dependents)
  134. npmdoc-grunt-bower-install - #### basic api documentation for grunt-bower-install (v1.6.0) [npm package](https://www.npmjs.org/package/npmdoc-gr (0 direct dependents)
  135. npmdoc-react-tools - #### basic api documentation for react-tools (v0.13.3) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-s (0 direct dependents)
  136. npmdoc-node-ipc - #### api documentation for node-ipc (v9.0.1) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](h (0 direct dependents)
  137. github-api-throttled - A nodejs microservice that throttles api requests to github and caches results (0 direct dependents)
  138. npmdoc-react-google-maps - #### basic api documentation for react-google-maps (v6.3.0) [npm package](https://www.npmjs.org/package/npmdoc-react-google (0 direct dependents)
  139. work-github - An extended fork of github-api (0 direct dependents)
  140. gist-get - Simple module to retrieve gists using the github api. (0 direct dependents)
  141. strong-github-analytics - A toolkit that utilizes the strong-github-api for generating analytics data. (0 direct dependents)
  142. npmdoc-picturefill - #### api documentation for picturefill (v3.0.2) npm package [![travis-ci.org build- (0 direct dependents)
  143. npmdoc-minify - #### api documentation for minify (v2.0.13) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api. (0 direct dependents)
  144. github2 - NodeJS wrapper for the GitHub API (0 direct dependents)
  145. docular-ui-plugin-github - Docular UI Plugin to add directives that query the GitHub API (0 direct dependents)
  146. github-api-tags-full - Gets all tags with their respective commit for sorting from Github API (0 direct dependents)
  147. npmdoc-react - #### api documentation for react (v15.5.4) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.trav (0 direct dependents)
  148. ghrequestor - A simple, resilient GitHub API client for bulk retrieval of GitHub resources (0 direct dependents)
  149. sync-github-forks-cli - Keep github forks up to date using node, the github api and git (0 direct dependents)
  150. hubot-vsphere-commands - A hubot script that allows users to interact with the vsphere-rest-api developed by quickjp2 on github. (0 direct dependents)
  151. npmdoc-helmet - #### api documentation for helmet (v3.5.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travis-c (0 direct dependents)
  152. github-api_modified - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (0 direct dependents)
  153. npmdoc-google-libphonenumber - #### api documentation for google-libphonenumber (v2.0.15) [npm package](https://www.npmjs.org/package/npmdoc-google-li (0 direct dependents)
  154. npmdoc-git-server - #### basic api documentation for git-server (v0.2.0) npm package [! (0 direct dependents)
  155. tentacles-streams - Streaming for Tentacles GitHub client (0 direct dependents)
  156. npmdoc-fb-watchman - #### api documentation for fb-watchman (v2.0.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-stat (0 direct dependents)
  157. npmdoc-ember-bootstrap - #### api documentation for ember-bootstrap (v0.11.3) npm package [![travi (0 direct dependents)
  158. ngh - Github client (0 direct dependents)
  159. npmdoc-draft-js - #### basic api documentation for draft-js (v0.10.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status] (0 direct dependents)
  160. npmdoc-diskdb - #### api documentation for diskdb (v0.1.17) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.t (0 direct dependents)
  161. github-repo - A very simple Github repo info API wrapper (0 direct dependents)
  162. ember-data-github - Ember Data abstraction for the GitHub API (0 direct dependents)
  163. mixer-webpack-plugin - npm node [license](LICE (0 direct dependents)
  164. npmdoc-amqplib - #### api documentation for amqplib (v0.5.1) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https:// (0 direct dependents)
  165. on-the-githubs - Uses GitHub API3 to aggregate community activity of open source projects (0 direct dependents)
  166. github-markdown-render - Render markdown using the GitHub Markdown API (0 direct dependents)
  167. release-to-github-with-changelog - Parses CHANGELOG.md to publish a new release resource to the Github api (0 direct dependents)
  168. electron-userland-reports - Slices of data about packages, repos, and users in Electron userland. Collected from the GitHub API, npm registry, and libraries.io (0 direct dependents)
  169. github-protobuf - node library for github api events in protobuf format (0 direct dependents)
  170. github-deploy-notify - Inform github deployment API of deployment (0 direct dependents)
  171. libhub - Libraries.io Simple GitHub Client (0 direct dependents)
  172. commits-element - GitHub commits element. Lists commits on a repository using Polymer and GitHub API. (0 direct dependents)
  173. github-search - A Library for Github's Code Search API (0 direct dependents)
  174. hil - Add hapijs standard labels to github projects (0 direct dependents)
  175. github-contribution-stats - Client of GitHub Contributions and Streaks (0 direct dependents)
  176. graphqlhub-schemas - GraphQL Schemas for REST APIs like Github, Hacker News, Reddit, and Twitter (0 direct dependents)
  177. gngb-api - The API to get data of GitHub, Npm, Gem and Bower and make a badge (0 direct dependents)
  178. github-event-types - All Event types of the Github API (0 direct dependents)
  179. gittercat - Gitter GitHub client (0 direct dependents)
  180. github-webhook-fixtures - A set of testing fixtures for the GitHub Webhooks API v3 (0 direct dependents)
  181. editdata-github - an api client for github that performs actions needed by editdata applications (0 direct dependents)
  182. github-api-promise - A node module for interfacing with the Github API using promises (0 direct dependents)
  183. github-trending-api - API for GitHub trending repositories (0 direct dependents)
  184. micro-toolkit-api-generators - Build Status [Code Climate](https://codecli (0 direct dependents)
  185. githubtopcontributors - node.js site to query the GitHub API using the githubtopcontributors_module module and display the "top 10" contributors (0 direct dependents)
  186. ringcentral-client - Build Status [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/ringcentral/ringcentral-js-client/badge.svg?branch= (0 direct dependents)
  187. trending-github - Simple API for getting trending repositories on Github (0 direct dependents)
  188. githubsearch - github search api (0 direct dependents)
  189. repohelper - Module to help github api auth and data gathering from repos (0 direct dependents)
  190. test-semver - Demo and API Docs (0 direct dependents)
  191. gothub - A convenience wrapper for got to interact with the GitHub API (very similar to gh-got). (0 direct dependents)
  192. github-commits-since-tag-cli - CLI to get commits since a tag with GitHub API (0 direct dependents)
  193. github-top-10-contributors - Node module to query the GitHub API and get the "top 10 contributors" for a particular repository. (0 direct dependents)
  194. github-graphql-client - Node.js client for the GitHub GraphQL API with zero dependencies (0 direct dependents)
  195. github-api-user - A simple wrapper for Github API (0 direct dependents)
  196. branches-source-github - Small wrapper around github-api to provide branches with a GitHub source. (0 direct dependents)
  197. reliable-github - GitHub Oauth2 Client (0 direct dependents)
  198. co-github - co wrapper for node github api (0 direct dependents)
  199. corvid - interactive CLI github API browser and cloning aid (0 direct dependents)
  200. hubkit - GitHub API library for JavaScript, promise-based, for both NodeJS and the browser (0 direct dependents)
  201. gists - Methods for working with the GitHub Gist API. Node.js/JavaScript (0 direct dependents)
  202. exhibit-github - A plugin for the exhibition API wrapper app. (0 direct dependents)
  203. github-test-arif - Some Github API for fun (0 direct dependents)
  204. github.node - Github v3 API client (0 direct dependents)
  205. npmdoc-foreman - #### api documentation for foreman (v2.0.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](htt (0 direct dependents)
  206. ghify-request - Create a Request wrapper to interact with the GitHub API (0 direct dependents)
  207. ghauth-web - A github authentication client that works for both single page web apps and also chrome apps (0 direct dependents)
  208. grunt-github-fetch - Fetch assets from github repositories releases using Github cool API (0 direct dependents)
  209. npmdoc-urijs - #### api documentation for urijs (v1.18.10) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.tr (0 direct dependents)
  210. gh-search - A simply utility to search GitHub API (0 direct dependents)
  211. fetch-api - API wrapper for ES6's fetch method used with GitHub's fetch polyfill (0 direct dependents)
  212. file-history - Use GitHub API to get a file's history for each git tag (0 direct dependents)
  213. forked-github-api-for-test - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (0 direct dependents)
  214. resource-github - for interacting with the Github.com API (0 direct dependents)
  215. gh-issues-api - Github issues API wrapper written in typescript (0 direct dependents)
  216. get-github-event-types - Get all Event types of the Github API from the API reference (0 direct dependents)
  217. npmdoc-flatpickr - #### api documentation for flatpickr (v2.5.7) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https (0 direct dependents)
  218. skyscanner-liveflights-api - CircleCI [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/jameshopkins/skyscanner-liveflights-api/bad (0 direct dependents)
  219. cli-github - A fancy GitHub client for command line. (0 direct dependents)
  220. vue-github-api - A deadly simple Vue.js plugin to consume GitHub API. (0 direct dependents)
  221. gh-client - Minimal streaming client for the github API (0 direct dependents)
  222. gistpod - CLI helpers for hosting ad-hoc CocoaPods podspecs as GitHub gists during rapid development (0 direct dependents)
  223. gh-event - GitHub API Events Parser (0 direct dependents)
  224. gh-patch - Create a PATCH request to the Github API (0 direct dependents)
  225. octoqueue - simple GitHub API queue for rate limiting (0 direct dependents)
  226. deployment - Continuous deployment for the masses. Download the latest version of your GitHub package, run tests and deploy to the specified directory. Run a deployment server to launch deployments from the internet, and integrate with GitHub easily. Includes an API t (0 direct dependents)
  227. gh-rate-limit - Get your current rate limit status of the Github API (0 direct dependents)
  228. lucify-notifier - Integrates with the GitHub deployments API and Flowdock (0 direct dependents)
  229. npmdoc-react-bootstrap - #### basic api documentation for react-bootstrap (v0.31.0) npm package [![travis- (0 direct dependents)
  230. github-api-support-author - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (0 direct dependents)
  231. releases - Uses GitHub API to show feed of releases and open bugs for a given project. (0 direct dependents)
  232. githubapi.js - wrapper on top of github api v3 (0 direct dependents)
  233. npmdoc-chartist - #### api documentation for chartist (v0.11.0) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](ht (0 direct dependents)
  234. github-contributions - GitHub Contributions API implementation for Node.js (unofficial). (0 direct dependents)
  235. github-fetcher - Promised based isomorphic Github API. (0 direct dependents)
  236. node-github-wrapper - A really simple GitHub API wrapper for Node.js (0 direct dependents)
  237. sandesh-github-api - Simplified Github API for fetching repositories, issues, gists, pull-requests, users. (0 direct dependents)
  238. github-pager - Pagination support for the GitHub API. (0 direct dependents)
  239. github-project-inspector - Node.js module that uses the Github API to gather metadata about a project on Github (0 direct dependents)
  240. github-remote-commit - A lib/cli to commit changes and create pull request using the github api (0 direct dependents)
  241. github-request-all - Iterate and collect all pages of objects for a GitHub API request (0 direct dependents)
  242. gthb - A lightweight wrapper around the GitHub API. (0 direct dependents)
  243. npmdoc-html-minifier - #### api documentation for html-minifier (v3.4.3) npm package [![travis-ci.org bu (0 direct dependents)
  244. awesome-github - AwesomeCI GitHub API (0 direct dependents)
  245. grunt-holo - A client-side dependency manager for Github repositories. (0 direct dependents)
  246. githubjs - Javascript Plugin over Github APIs. (0 direct dependents)
  247. updater-contributors - Update the contributors array in package.json with the contributors returned by the GitHub API. (0 direct dependents)
  248. ng-github-tools - AngularJS 1.* module for work with GitHub API (0 direct dependents)
  249. ricloud - This is the sample JavaScript Node.js client for Reincubate's iCloud API. (0 direct dependents)
  250. gh-cli - A github info client. (0 direct dependents)
  251. npmdoc-flux - #### api documentation for flux (v3.1.2) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travis-ci. (0 direct dependents)
  252. github-pagination - A simple js lib for parse GitHub's pagination info from API's response. (0 direct dependents)
  253. ng-github - GitHub API wrapper for AngularJS (0 direct dependents)
  254. hubot-github-deployments - Integrate with GitHub deployment API (0 direct dependents)
  255. gfm-cli - Queries the GitHub API to render Github Flavored Markdown from the terminal (0 direct dependents)
  256. github-oauth2 - A utility to get Oauth2 tokens from github for use in api calls. (0 direct dependents)
  257. octonode-baseurl - nodejs wrapper for github v3 api (0 direct dependents)
  258. octonode-nick - nodejs wrapper for github v3 api (0 direct dependents)
  259. github-top-ten-contributions - GitHub Top Ten Contributions implementation for Node.js utilizing the GitHub API. (0 direct dependents)
  260. octonode2 - nodejs wrapper for github v3 api (0 direct dependents)
  261. idp-github - OAuth2 Github Client (0 direct dependents)
  262. github-api-node - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (0 direct dependents)
  263. github-api-meiroo - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (0 direct dependents)
  264. parse-gh-branch-identifier - Parse a branch identifier string that is available for Github commit comparison API (0 direct dependents)
  265. github-api-isomorphic - github api for nodejs and browser (0 direct dependents)
  266. npmdoc-orm - #### basic api documentation for orm (v3.2.3) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.tra (0 direct dependents)
  267. peaches-github - NodeJS wrapper for the GitHub API (0 direct dependents)
  268. explore-api - A Node.js API for GitHub's Explore page (0 direct dependents)
  269. github-api-basic - Simple helper functions to use and call the github api with streaming (0 direct dependents)
  270. gitter-github-client - Gitter GitHub client (0 direct dependents)
  271. nodegit-http - Read-only GitHub-like HTTP API atop nodegit using express. (0 direct dependents)
  272. dygitget - Retrieve various data from the GitHub API (0 direct dependents)
  273. github-extended - A collection of methods to extend the functionality of Github.js (known on npm as github-api) (0 direct dependents)
  274. kerplunk-github - Authenticate to the GitHub API (0 direct dependents)
  275. github-user-info - Using the Github API, create a JSON file of user information from a list of users. (0 direct dependents)
  276. github-user-contributions - Node.js wrapper for Github v3 API to retrieve contribution statistics about specific user (0 direct dependents)
  277. github-curl - github api via curl (~/.githubtoken required) (0 direct dependents)
  278. logist - A blogging platform using the Github API (0 direct dependents)
  279. gh2 - little github client (0 direct dependents)
  280. npmdoc-react-dom - #### api documentation for react-dom (v15.5.4) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](http (0 direct dependents)
  281. ae-github - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. (0 direct dependents)
  282. sruhub - This project is a user interface to scrum with GitHub, all stories data is stored on GitHub using GitHub api, no secondary DB. (0 direct dependents)
  283. markdown-test - Converts a markdown file into a test html file via github api and the github flavoured css (0 direct dependents)
  284. github-ts - GitHub API wrapper for JavaScript (0 direct dependents)
  285. mawuli-test-api-github - test github api (0 direct dependents)
  286. gh-post - Create a POST request to the Github API (0 direct dependents)
  287. backbone-github - Backbone models for the GitHub API (0 direct dependents)
  288. mc-ext-github - Mission Control Extension for working with GitHub, including cloning repos, handling webhooks, and the status API. (0 direct dependents)
  289. gpos - Github Pages search engine powered by Github code search API (0 direct dependents)
  290. npmdoc-kue - #### basic api documentation for kue (v0.11.5) npm package [![travis-ci.org build-status](https://api.travi (0 direct dependents)
  291. ascii-github - GitHub CLI Client (0 direct dependents)
  292. todo-github-example - export github api for node (0 direct dependents)
  293. hub-o-matic - GitHub API wrapper (0 direct dependents)
  294. github-static-auth - A module that handles communicating with github-secret-keeper and the GitHub api for authenticating users on static sites. (0 direct dependents)
  295. github-ci-status - Check the current CI status of a repo using GitHub's Statuses API (0 direct dependents)
  296. gitlogin - Modern, simplified Github login, CLI and API - generating personal access token. Support promises and node-style callbacks. (0 direct dependents)
  297. ghusers - Interact with the GitHub users API (0 direct dependents)