
error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'cuda_tromp_75.lib' nheqminer

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Hi I am trying to compile in VS 2013 and I am getting the error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'cuda_tromp_75.lib' nheqminer has anyone have this issue and Know how to fix it? I alredy checked they build order am I missing a step?


I had the exact same issue. Couldn't find it at first, I was manually editing the project file and all sorts.

However the real fix was very simple. In VS2013 at the top, Click the 'Release' drop down box next to the x64. Choose Configuration Manager. You should see Cuda_Tromp on the build list, with 'Release' next to it, click on the 'Release' drop down box, and 'Release7.5' should be there. Choose that and recompile.

I know you asked the question some time ago, but like me many others may be searching for this, so thought I'd post a solution. :)