
Sol/s seems to be low

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Using nheqminer_16_04
./nheqminer_16_04 -l * -u * -p * -t 12 -cd 0 1

Speed [15 sec]: 465.2 I/s, 880.8 Sols/s

Ryzen 7 1700, 2X 1080TI Galax 11G in SLI, Linux Mint 18.1 Kernel 4.11.7, Nvidia drivers 381.22

The number of sol/s you get will be about twice the number of iterations. That actually looks about right based on the research I have done. Also remember not all the PCIe slots on the motherboard can run at the same speed and even if they can doesn't mean they can at the same time.

I checked again, the number of sol/s is much lower then what I should have. According to Whattomine and other miners I should get at least 1200, I'm getting 880.

Any news or tips? still getting really low Sol's compared to WhatToMine and NiceHash calculator

Try removing the SLI bridge. I'm not 100% sure that will work but I have seen other posts similar to this one while running two cards in SLI.