
Generic Server Error on creating FIXED order

jbrepogmailcom opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello some time ago I debugged here parameters for STANDARD order in Issue #46 . I now try to create FIXED order. In parameters I replaced STANDARD type with FIXED, but that did not work and returns

Unexpected error: 500: Internal Server Error: b'{"error_id":"ab668244-7212-405e-a6d1-2f7b6bf757ed","errors":[{"code":2999,"message":"Generic Server Error"}]}'

Parameters are:
python3 /home/janbenes/ -b -o dorg-key1 -k a-key-5 -s 3-secret-e -m POST -p "/main/api/v2/hashpower/order" -d '{"market":"EU","algorithm":"SHA256ASICBOOST","amount":"0.001","poolId":"125c3400-e602-4ae1-953c-402298533158","type":"FIXED","marketFactor":"1000000000000000.00000000","displayMarketFactor":"PH","limit":"500","price":"0.0051","displayPriceFactor":"PH","priceFactor":"1000000000000000.00000000"}'

According to nicehash, fixed orders have been removed months ago.