
Robotic manipulation in PyBullet

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains PyBullet-based manipulation environments consisting of a Sawyer robot manipulating drawers, pushing objects, and picking and placing objects. They are featured in

Planning to Practice: Efficient Online Fine-Tuning by Composing Goals in Latent Space Kuan Fang*, Patrick Yin*, Ashvin Nair, Sergey Levine. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022.

Videos of this simulation can seen on our website: https://sites.google.com/view/planning-to-practice.

Generalization with Lossy Affordances: Leveraging Broad Offline Data for Learning Visuomotor Tasks Kuan Fang, Patrick Yin, Ashvin Nair, Homer Walke, Gengchen Yan, Sergey Levine. Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2022.

Videos of this simulation can seen on our website: https://sites.google.com/view/project-flap.

This repository extends https://github.com/anair13/bullet-manipulation-affordances developed by Ashvin Nair and Alexander Khazatsky, which extends https://github.com/avisingh599/roboverse which was developed by Avi Singh, Albert Yu, Jonathan Yang, Michael Janner, Huihan Liu, and Gaoyue Zhou.