
Extension not working in SSMS 19,3 even after unblocking

DominikMetz opened this issue · 7 comments

The extension does not start. But there is also no error message.
I am using the latest version.
I can't see the extension in the options either?
The files are located in the following folder: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 19\Common7\IDE\Extensions\SSMS Schema Folders"
There is no additional subfolder here.

You must unblock before extracting.

Do you see the below high-lighted value when going to Tools > Options?

I unblock the zip before ectracting.
There is no entry in the options.



I unblock the zip before ectracting. There is no entry in the options.

Looks like your folder name is wrong. This is what it should be, and is working for me.


I renamed the folder but no efect

What are the contents of your folder? The fact it had the wrong name from the zip makes me question that.
This is what should be in the folder :


You have downloaded the source code. Delete the folder and download the v1.5 zip file from the releases page.

Ok. That explains it. I downloaded this.

Now it works. Thank you for the quick help.