
No Traces arrivie in DD. Enable datadog debug with ddtrace in fake-service.

mlindes opened this issue · 2 comments

I've been running this via docker-compose stand-alone in fake-service after having run it as part of the consul-demo-tracing repo. Logs look fine, but no traces show in Datadog. I have an existing account, the DD_KEY is valid.
I see plenty of entries like:
datadog-agent_1 | 2020-12-07 21:52:41 UTC | TRACE | INFO | (pkg/trace/info/stats.go:108 in LogStats) | [lang:go lang_version:1.12.10 interpreter:gc-amd64-linux tracer_version:v1.18.0 endpoint_version:v0.4] -> traces received: 76, traces filtered: 0, traces amount: 159724 bytes, events extracted: 0, events sampled: 0

I'd like to add some tracing to the client with tracer.Start(tracer.WithDebugMode(true)) as described on the Datadog APM doc, but am having some trouble getting the docker image built with the new binary.

I'm in a rabit hole of dependencies. I'd be happy for any guidance to help build this. Do you build the binary locally with NPM/yarn, etc or in a build container?

closer look at the logs, it the web/fake_service service can not create a span:
web_1 | {"@level":"debug","@message":"Error obtaining context, creating new span","@timestamp":"2020-12-07T22:46:42.721910Z","error":"span context not found"}
datadog-agent_1 | 2020-12-07 22:46:47 UTC | CORE | WARN | (pkg/logs/sender/batch_strategy.go:96 in sendBuffer) | Could not send payload: client error

I ran through this successfull using the consul-demo-tracing repo.
Would still like to understand the fake-service build/test scenario, but I'll close this out for now.