
How to configure the bot?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

What should i write in the config.coffe, that the bot connects to a server?
I created an extra account for this bot... our could i use a "Bot Acc."? And when yes then how?

Now it says only:

Vova@TLOZ MINGW64 ~/discorder (master)
$ npm start

> discorder@1.0.0 start C:\Users\Vova\discorder
> coffee

No token provided, and unable to parse 'tenc'. Using login method.
[WARNING]: Your library (1.13.4) is out of date. Please update to 2.5.1.
Logged into Discord as: XXX

I haven't maintained this bot script in a very long time, and I don't have the motivation to really continue doing so.

That being said, you can use a bot account, but you probably need to update the library and make some changes to the config and script to allow for that as this script is back from a time where only email/password logins were really used with Discord.

Nothing seems to be wrong from what I see. All you really need to do is modify the file, which you should have made a copy of the template file and change it to your likings. Those login method and WARNING lines are just warnings, nothing seems to be wrong as I have already mentioned.

Ok... I try to do this my self... When im done i write here...